Regular Expression to Accept Only Positive Numbers and Decimals

Regular Expression to accept only positive numbers and decimals




but not



To handle scientific notation (1e6), you might want to do


If you want strictly positive numbers, no zero, you can do


Regular Expression to accept only positive number and decimals (only end with .5 .0 or integer accepted)

You can check this here at regex101. The regex I used to do this is:


What is highlighted in blue is a match.

Regular expression for positive decimal number with 0, 1 or 2 decimal places

Edit 2: now disallows exactly 0,0.0, etc.

This matches at least one digit before the decimal place, followed by an optional decimal place, followed by 0-2 digits.

The negative lookahead looks for any flavor of absolute zero and prevents a match.


This is the raw regex, so you'll need to escape it appropriately for your language. (For example, in some languages you need to double the \ slashes as \\.


RegEx that matches positive numbers

This would be my way: ^[+]?\d+([.]\d+)?$

EDIT: If you want to allow something like .23, you could use ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+([.]\d+)?)$

EDIT: tchrist insists on this one: allowing 4., you could use ^[+]?([.]\d+|\d+[.]?\d*)$


  • with or without positive sign
  • one or more digits
  • with or without:
    • decimal point
    • one or more digits

Note: This will not accept a negative number, which is what you ultimately want.

Regex for only positive decimals from 0 to 1 upto 2 decimal digits only that works without sign in JavaScript?

You may use:


RegEx Demo

RegEx Details:

  • ^: Start
  • (?:: Start a non-capture group
    • 0: Match 0
    • (?:\.[0-9]{1,2})?: Match optional dot followed by 1 or 2 digits
    • |: OR
    • 1: Match 1
    • (?:\.00?)?: Match optional 1 or 2 zeroes after dot
  • ): End non-capture group
  • $: End

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