React Import: Navigate One Folder Up

React import: Navigate one folder up

Remove the first / in import MyFunction from '/../FolderA/File3.js'; and it will work as expected.

import MyFunction from '../FolderA/File3.js';

React import folder navigation

In your code you're providing the image source based on your React app's location, which is neither related to web application's root location, nor media or static files locations (to be configured), so the browser will not know how to render it. Depending on what server you use (nginx, Express) you have to configure your static and/or media files and then specify in your image source based on how you configured.

In your present situation you can do the following:


const reactImage = require("../Assets/myimg.png");

And then use it:

<img src={reactImage.default} />

If you had media files already configured on your server and properly resolving, it would be just

<img src="/media/Assets/myimg.png" />

Assuming media location is already configured and is pointing to the parent directory of your Assets.

In your example you were assuming the relative path of your React import and the image source hardcoded into image tag are same, but they are actually not.

How to import component in react native past two folders?

Use ../.. to go up two directories.

React import multiple components from a folder

as @casimirth stated above since those components are from different files, even though on the same folder, then you need to import them separately as below

import Login from "./components/Login"
import Question from "./components/Question"

But i think i know what you're looking for, being able to import them all on one line right?

below are couple of the ways

1 .put them all on single file and use exports, since in one file only one component can use export default

// ./components/componentfile.js
export const Login = () => {...
export const Question = () => {...

then where you're using them you can import them as

import {Login, Question} from '.components/componentfile'

if one of the file is exported with default as below

const Login = () => {...
export const Question = () => {...
export default Login;

then the using them will be as below

import Login , { Question } from './components/componentfile'

2. You wish to keep this two files separately and still import on one line

then you need to add another file in components file, prefered index.js since if you name a directory without specifying a file, index.js is one being called by default

So, you components directory will have three files,


then without editing anything on your login.js,questions.js import them on your index.js and export them from it as below

import Login from './login'
import Question from './question'

export {Login, Question}

then where you're using them you just import them as below

import {Login, Question} from './components' //note with index.js no need to mention //it on import

React import component from another folder issue

No, I see you importing: import Image from '../../Components/Image'. This mean you importing index of Image folder.

But in your code, you defining Image.js not index.js.
So, you have to import like this:

import Image from '../Image/Image' 

Or, you can rename file Image.js to index.js to shorten the code when import:

// rename Image.js to index.js
// then, import file:
import Image from '../Image'

reactjs - import 3 levels deep react

Every step up in the folder structure is a .. followed by a /.

import Context from '../../provider'

How can I access inner directories in react

from PulsingCircle folder import to styles should be:




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