Include Jquery in the JavaScript Console

Include jQuery in the JavaScript Console

Run this in your browser's JavaScript console, then jQuery should be available...

var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";
// ... give time for script to load, then type (or see below for non wait option)

NOTE: if the site has scripts that conflict with jQuery (other libs, etc.) you could still run into problems.


Making the best better, creating a Bookmark makes it really convenient, let's do it, and a little feedback is great too:

  1. Right click the Bookmarks Bar, and click Add Page
  2. Name it as you like, e.g. Inject jQuery, and use the following line for URL:

javascript:(function(e,s){e.src=s;e.onload=function(){jQuery.noConflict();console.log('jQuery injected')};document.head.appendChild(e);})(document.createElement('script'),'//')

Below is the formatted code:

javascript: (function(e, s) {
e.src = s;
e.onload = function() {
console.log('jQuery injected');
})(document.createElement('script'), '//')

Here the official jQuery CDN URL is used, feel free to use your own CDN/version.

How to Inject jQuery with Chrome in Developer Console?

Here is a direct method that has always worked for me:

var jq = document.createElement('script');
jq.src = "";

// ... give time for script to load, then type (or see below for non wait option)

Just paste each line into the console, one at a time. (Actually, it works fine if you select the lines and paste them into DevTools Console all-at-once).

You might immediately see an error: Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined. Ignore it - DevTools is pulling your leg. (Google's weak attempt at humor, maybe...)

Then, in DevTools console, test it:

$('div').length; //press Enter

If you get an error, try it this way:


Hopefully, the first will work - but sometimes you'll need to use the second method.

This code is thanks to jondavidjohn, from this original post.

Load jQuery with Javascript and use jQuery

There's a working JSFiddle with a small example here, that demonstrates exactly what you are looking for (unless I've misunderstood your request):

There are a few issues with that method of loading javascript dynamically. When it comes to the very basal frameworks, like jQuery, you actually probably want to load them statically, because otherwise, you would have to write a whole JavaScript loading framework...

You could use some of the existing JavaScript loaders, or write your own by watching for window.jQuery to get defined.

// Immediately-invoked function expression
(function() {
// Load the script
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = '';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.addEventListener('load', () => {
console.log(`jQuery ${$.fn.jquery} has been loaded successfully!`);
// use jQuery below

How to read Jquery Version from Chrome browser console for webpages and write in eclipse Java console through selenium

You can use either of the following commands within the console:

  • $().jquery;
  • $.fn.jquery




To redirect the jquery version within the browser console you can use the following solution:

  • Code Block:

    print(driver.execute_script("return $().jquery;"))
    print(driver.execute_script("return $.fn.jquery"))
  • Console Output:


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