How to Update Window.Location.Hash Without Jumping the Document

How can I update window.location.hash without jumping the document?

There is a workaround by using the history API on modern browsers with fallback on old ones:

if(history.pushState) {
history.pushState(null, null, '#myhash');
else {
location.hash = '#myhash';

Credit goes to Lea Verou

Can I update window.location.hash without having the web page scroll?

This behavior is very much possible. You should look into some of the libraries that have been developed to give you this functionality.

Really Simple History:

Modifying location.hash without page scrolling

I think I may have found a fairly simple solution. The problem is that the hash in the URL is also an element on the page that you get scrolled to. if I just prepend some text to the hash, now it no longer references an existing element!

//This emulates a click on the correct button on page load
$("#buttons li a").removeClass('selected');

//Click a button to change the hash
$("#buttons li a").click(function(){
$("#buttons li a").removeClass('selected');
//return false;

Now the URL appears as page.aspx#btn_elementID which is not a real ID on the page. I just remove "btn_" and get the actual element ID

How can I remove the location hash without causing the page to scroll?

I believe if you just put in a dummy hash it won't scroll as there is no match to scroll to.

<a href="#A4J2S9F7">No jumping</a>


<a href="#_">No jumping</a>

"#" by itself is equivalent to "_top" thus causes a scroll to the top of the page

window.location.hash = ; prevent scrolling to the top?

There's the onhashchange event, but it cannot be cancelled reliably across browsers to prevent scrolling. The best solution is to record the scroll position before changing the hash location and reset it afterwards. For example, the following code will catch a click on any link ― that doesn't stop propagation ― with a href value of # and prevent the page from scrolling vertically:

document.onclick = function (evt) {
var tgt = (evt && || event.srcElement,
scr = document.body.scrollTop;

if (tgt.tagName == "A" && tgt.href.slice(-1) == "#") {
window.location.href = "#";
document.body.scrollTop = scr;
return false;

If you're changing the hash through script, you can use the following code:

var scr = document.body.scrollTop;
window.location.href = '#';
document.body.scrollTop = scr;

Either of those methods can be adjusted to avoid scrolling individual elements or scrolling the page horizontally. Note that you can remove the entire hash (including the #) without causing navigation or scrolling in modern browsers by calling the pushState or replaceState functions.

Change hash without reload in jQuery

This works for me

$('ul.questions li a').click(function(event) {
window.location.hash = this.hash;

Check here for a demo with almost identical code

How can I replace a window's URL hash with another response?

Either use location or window.location instead of document.location as the latter is a non-standard.

window.location.hash = '#food';

This will replace the URL's hash with the value you set for it.


How to remove the hash from window.location (URL) with JavaScript without page refresh?

Initial question:

window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.indexOf('#'))



both will return the URL without the hash or anything after it.

With regards to your edit:

Any change to window.location will trigger a page refresh. You can change window.location.hash without triggering the refresh (though the window will jump if your hash matches an id on the page), but you can't get rid of the hash sign. Take your pick for which is worse...


The right answer on how to do it without sacrificing (either full reload or leaving the hash sign there) is up here. Leaving this answer here though with respect to being the original one in 2009 whereas the correct one which leverages new browser APIs was given 1.5 years later.

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