How to Pass Get Request to Window.Location in JavaScript

How to pass GET request to window.location in JavaScript?

You need to first create a string with the required location in it:

window.location = '' + username_variable;

Or your way of doing it (using ES6 formatting):

window.location = '{$member.username}';

Pass data without the use of window.location

The answer is yes. And the way to do it is to use a FORM. In particular, you should learn about the FORM method (learn about [REST][1] commands).

It sounds like you should be using POST.


How can I pass a query string to window.location.replace()?

Your list variable only contains the value of the query '?list=123' which for example would be '123'

You aren't creating a new query string....just adding that same value to end of the new url so it would look like "management.html123'

If you want the whole query string from current page passed to new page you can use

location.replace("management.html" +;

Or for just the 'list' do:

location.replace("management.html?list=" + list);

window.location.href with POST instead of GET (or equivalent effect)

The way I have always done this (with jquery) is this.

var $form=$(document.createElement('form')).css({display:'none'}).attr("method","POST").attr("action","URLHERE");
var $input=$(document.createElement('input')).attr('name','FIRST NAME HERE').val("FIRST VALUE HERE");
var $input2=$(document.createElemet('input')).attr('name','SECOND NAME HERE').val("SECOND VALUE HERE");

Adding multiple GET Parameters to URL using window.location.assign from checkboxes

First, do not use the same id on multiple elements.
See Why is it a bad thing to have multiple HTML elements with the same id attribute?

Your problem is with this line

 window.location.assign('?rooms=' + vals);

You need to dynamically update the query string.

Using this method

function updateQueryStringParameter(uri, key, value) {
var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i");
var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?";
if (uri.match(re)) {
return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + value + '$2');
else {
return uri + separator + key + "=" + value;

from add or update query string parameter

and custom attributes like

<ul data-type="rooms">

you can do

window.location.href = updateQueryStringParameter(window.location.href, $ul.attr('data-type'), vals);

instead of

window.location.assign('?rooms=' + vals);

How can I pass a Javascript ID value into window.location.href

in showPosition() function you already have lat and long passed as position and you can use it directly like this

function showPosition(position) {
geo_latitude.innerHTML = position.coords.latitude;
geo_longitude.innerHTML = position.coords.longitude;

window.location.href = "https://my_website/index.php?category=fast%20food&gps_geo_latitude=" + position.coords.latitude + "&gps_geo_longitude=" + position.coords.longitude;

Or, you can get them from DOM the same way you set them in your span

function showPosition(position) {
geo_latitude.innerHTML = position.coords.latitude;
geo_longitude.innerHTML = position.coords.longitude;

window.location.href = "https://my_website/index.php?category=fast%20food&gps_geo_latitude=" + geo_latitude.innerHTML + "&gps_geo_longitude=" + geo_longitude.innerHTML;

Passing parameter through "window.location.href"

Just add it in as a query string in the javascript

echo ("<script language='JavaScript'>
window.alert('Thank You! Your answer is online now.')

Window location to another page with parameters

You are not using the parameter string correctly in the ScriptManager.

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "alert", "alert('Replied!Thank you.');window.location ='eforum_main.aspx?forum_id=" + parameter + "';", true);

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