How to Manage a Redirect Request After a Jquery Ajax Call

How to manage a redirect request after a jQuery Ajax call

The solution that was eventually implemented was to use a wrapper for the callback function of the Ajax call and in this wrapper check for the existence of a specific element on the returned HTML chunk. If the element was found then the wrapper executed a redirection. If not, the wrapper forwarded the call to the actual callback function.

For example, our wrapper function was something like:

function cbWrapper(data, funct){
if($("#myForm", data).length > 0)

Then, when making the Ajax call we used something like:

param1: foo,
param2: bar
cbWrapper(data, myActualCB);

This worked for us because all Ajax calls always returned HTML inside a DIV element that we use to replace a piece of the page. Also, we only needed to redirect to the login page.

res.redirect from an AJAX call

I don't think what you want to do is possible. An AJAX request is meant just to pass data back and forth. What happens now is that you need to script client side behavior on your end. This means the AJAX request will pass a 302 and other data that comes along for the ride to the callback on JS. No client side behavior can be altered from the server. It is up to you to do something with the AJAX returned values. If 500, throw an error message, 200 do something etc.

The only way you can get a server redirect to work is by traditional HTML form submission.

Redirecting after Ajax post

success: function(response){
window.location.href = response.redirect;

Hope the above will help because I had the same problem

Unable to redirect after jQuery Ajax call

What is the output of console.log(data)?

It seems the server is redirecting so when the front end code recieves the output from the server, it is already the either the successRedirect or failureRedirect page, so your code window.location.href = data.redirect is not reached. Check data, it should have the redirect property. If not, my guess is that the server is already doing the redirect and you are not seeing it because you are calling it via ajax. This can be confirmed in the network tab of the web inspector.

Page redirect with successful Ajax request

Sure. Just put something at the the end of your success function like:

if(result === "no_errors") location.href = ""

where your server returns the response no_errors when there are no errors present.

Ajax not redirecting after a successful response from php

You have to trim your response....sometimes the string recieved from the server contains whitespace.....and that causes the problem to not redirect to other page.

url: 'actionlog.php',
method: 'POST',
data: $('#login-form').serialize() + '&action=login',
success: function(response) {
if ($.trim(response) === 'true') {
window.location = '../';
} else {


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