How to Inherit from a Class in JavaScript

How to inherit from a class in javascript?

I have changed how I do this now, I try to avoid using constructor functions and their prototype property, but my old answer from 2010 is still at the bottom. I now prefer Object.create(). Object.create is available in all modern browsers.

I should note that Object.create is usually much slower than using new with a function constructor.

//The prototype is just an object when you use `Object.create()`
var Base = {};

//This is how you create an instance:
var baseInstance = Object.create(Base);

//If you want to inherit from "Base":
var subInstance = Object.create(Object.create(Base));

//Detect if subInstance is an instance of Base:
console.log(Base.isPrototypeOf(subInstance)); //True


One of the big benefits of using Object.create is being able to pass in a defineProperties argument, which gives you significant control over how properties on the class can be accessed and enumerated over, and I also use functions to create instances, these serve as constructors in a way, as you can do initialization at the end instead of just returning the instance.

var Base = {};

function createBase() {
return Object.create(Base, {
doSomething: {
value: function () {
console.log("Doing something");

var Sub = createBase();

function createSub() {
return Object.create(Sub, {
doSomethingElse: {
value: function () {
console.log("Doing something else");

var subInstance = createSub();
subInstance.doSomething(); //Logs "Doing something"
subInstance.doSomethingElse(); //Logs "Doing something else"
console.log(Base.isPrototypeOf(subInstance)); //Logs "true"
console.log(Sub.isPrototypeOf(subInstance)); //Logs "true


This is my original answer from 2010:

function Base ( ) {
this.color = "blue";

function Sub ( ) {

Sub.prototype = new Base( );
Sub.prototype.showColor = function ( ) {
console.log( this.color );

var instance = new Sub ( );
instance.showColor( ); //"blue"

how can I inherit a js class from another js class which are separate files?

You probably want to take advantage of JavaScript modules.

// Shape.js
export default class Shape {
constructor() {
// ...

Then in a separate file:

// Circle.js
import Shape from "./Shape.js"

export default class Circle extends Shape {
constructor() {
// ...

The real annoyance is that the import reference is always relative to the current file. If you're using Webpack to transpile and/or bundle your module, you can take advantage of their resolve option.

ES6 Class Multiple inheritance

An object can only have one prototype. Inheriting from two classes can be done by creating a parent object as a combination of two parent prototypes.

The syntax for subclassing makes it possible to do that in the declaration, since the right-hand side of the extends clause can be any expression. Thus, you can write a function that combines prototypes according to whatever criteria you like, and call that function in the class declaration.

Class constructor inheritance using `extends` with passed in arguments

The parent and child are class objects and they dont have relation each other. From your code, when you call let child = new Child(), you did nothing with the x, y, w and h in your Child constructor.

The Classes are templates, the inheritance means you copy the parent's methods implementation.

You can just think the Parent and Child classes are different each other - just the Child class has all the methods that the Parent has.

When you inherit a class, you need to pass the parameters that the Parent class needs in its constructor.

You can fix it like below:

class Parent {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
this.x = x; //if I put values directly here it works
this.y = y;
this.w = w;
this.h = h;

class Child extends Parent {
constructor(x, y, w, h) {
super(x, y, w, h); // <- Passing the parameters
this.pt1 = {x: this.x, y: this.y};
this.pt2 = {x: this.x + this.w, y: this.y};
this.pt3 = {x: this.x + this.w, y: this.y + this.h};
this.pt4 = {x: this.x, y: this.y + this.h};

let parent = new Parent(300, 50, 50, 200);
let child = new Child(300, 50, 50, 200); // <- pass the values

Inheritance and Super in JavaScript

What is the constructor and super() keyword. I believe it is for inheritance?

That's right. The above sets up class B and then has class A subclass it. The constructor is the function called when you create a new instance of the class, as in the let c = new A("Testing", "37"); line in the code. Unlike some other languages, in JavaScript there can only be one constructor for a class.

super is used in subclasses to refer to the superclass. In a constructor, you call super as though it were a function, and that calls the superclass's constructor function, giving it a chance to do its initialization of the new object that was created by new. So for instance, in A's constructor, super() calls B's constructor.

You can also use super as the source of a property accessor expression to access properties (including methods) on the superclass. That's what's happening in A's printName method, where it uses super.printName() to call B's printName method. (Which will fail, because B doesn't have a printName method; B's method is called printn.)

I'd be remiss if I didn't point out that although this looks a lot like the class-based OOP in, say, Java or C#, it isn't. It's syntactic sugar (the good kind of sugar) for setting up JavaScript's normal prototypical inheritance using constructor functions. It hugely simplifies setting up prototypical inheritance hierarchies using constructor functions. I'd also be remiss if I didn't point out that using constructor functions to do prototypical inheritance is not necessary, you can do prototypical inheritance without using constructor functions via Object.create.

There's a lot more to explore. MDN is probably a good starting point.

I can't get this code to work.

The C in Console.log shouldn't be capitalized, so change




Other than that, if you're using a JavaScript engine that supports class (such as the one in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox), that code works fine although note again that A seems to expect B to have a printName method, but it doesn't, and the code at the end is calling printn which only B has (which is fine, it just means A's code isn't really involved).

class B {    constructor(name) { = name;    }
printn() { return; }}
class A extends B { constructor(name, age) { super(name); this._age = age; }
get age() { return this._age; }
printName(){ return super.printName(); }}
let c = new A("Testing", "37");console.log(c.printn());

Is it possible in javascript to inherit properties from another class - rather than an existing object?

In ES5 JavaScript the correct way to derive a class is to use Object.create passing the base class's prototype, not an instance, and then to ensure that all functions are part of that prototype.

// a properly formed constructor function
function Robot(name) { = name;

// all functions belong on the prototype
Robot.prototype.primeDirective = function() {

// create derived class
function BendingUnit22(name) {, name); // invoke superclass constructor

// create and attach a new prototype object chained from the base class
BendingUnit22.prototype = Object.create(Robot.prototype);

// and re-attach the constructor
BendingUnit22.prototype.constructor = BendingUnit22;

// add new or overriding functions here
BendingUnit22.prototype.primeDirective = function() {

var bender = new BendingUnit22("Bender Bending Rodriguez");

Can a child class overwrite a private field inherited from a superclass?

JavaScript does not support directly accessing private properties inherited from another class, which is how private members are supposed to work. You seem to want the functionality of protected properties. As of 2022, JavaScript does not support protected properties or members of any kind. Why that is, I can't imagine, since other OOP languages have allowed said functionality since time immemorial.

If you have control over the code of the parent class, you can simulate protected properties by using symbols.

const className = Symbol();

class Parent {
[className] = 'Parent'; // create protected [className]

getClassName() {
return this[className]; // return [className] from object

class Child extends Parent {
[className] = 'Child'; // re-define [className] for this child class

console.log(new Child().getClassName()); // --> this prints 'Child'

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