How to Execute a Function After Another One

Call a function after previous function is complete

Specify an anonymous callback, and make function1 accept it:

if (condition == 'true'){
function1(someVariable, function() {
else {

function function1(param, callback) { stuff

Efficient way of executing 2 functions one after another in Javascript

There are a couple of ways you could approach this, the two most common ways would be using a callback, or using Promises.

Using Callbacks

You would add a callback argument to the first function, and then pass in function two as the callback:

function one(callback) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log("first function executed");
}, 3000);

function two() {
console.log("second function executed");


Javascript call function after another function executes

Well since it is an asynchronous task, you need to add logic to tell the next code when to run. Classic way is to use a a callback method:

function make_base(img, callback) {
base_image = new Image();
base_image.src = img;
base_image.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(base_image, 0, 0);

function text(text) {
context.fillText(text, 50, 50)

function render() {
make_base(xxx, function () {

or move into modern patterns is to use a promise

function make_base(img) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
base_image = new Image();
base_image.src = img;
base_image.onload = function(){
context.drawImage(base_image, 0, 0);

function text(text) {
context.fillText(text, 50, 50)

function render() {
make_base(xxx).then(function () {

How to execute 2 function after one another in Typescript?

Synchronous and asynchronous execution

If the functions are synchronous, you can just call them sequentially because they are executed one after another:


However presumably the functions are asynchronous, otherwise you wouldn't have asked the question. That means one statement in that function must start the process of obtaining data, but it is obtained via another program path.

Example of an asynchronous request

One example of this would be XMLHttpRequest, the standard way of making an in-browser HTTP request (the example is from Mozilla documentation):

var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);"GET", "");

Here the oReq.send(); makes the HTTP request, starting the process of requesting data. But the way that data is actually obtained is via the use of the callback function reqListener in the second line. When the data is ready, that function is separately called with a this context object which allows the HTTP response to be obtained. So any code to be executed as a result of the HTTP request returning must be called from reqListener.

Applying to your scenario

In order to get your functions to operate sequentially, you need to identify the the callback function or other mechanism getStudentDataFunction() uses to obtain its data, and then use one of JavaScript's ways of handling asynchronous code to order the functions in the way you want. The three main ways are callbacks, Promises, and async functions (from oldest to most modern). getStudentDataFunction() should itself be using one of those three methods.

These would work as follows:

// 1. If getStudentDataFunction() accepts a callback

var studentCallback = function(studentData) {

// 2. If getStudentDataFunction() returns a Promise:

.then(getTeachersDataFunction) // second function is only called when Promise resolves

// 3. If getStudentDataFunction() returns a Promise and you wish to use async functions:

async function getAllData() {
await getStudentDataFunction() // await keyword makes execution wait for Promise to resolve


How to execute function one after another?

Ideally you'd have to use some of the RxJS functions and operators at your disposal. And when it comes to observables,

  1. It's better to subscribe them where it's response is required
  2. Use as less subscriptions as possible

Given these, I'd make the following changes to your implementation.

initData1(): Observable<any> {  // <-- return observable here
// use `forkJoin` function to trigger multiple observables in parallel
return forkJoin({
title: this.dataService.getTitleImageUrl(,,
contact: this.dataService.getTitleImageUrl(,
// use `tap` operator to perform side-effects
tap(imageUrls => {
this.titleImageUrl = encodeURI(imageUrls.title.results[0]);
this.contactImageUrl = encodeURI([0]);

initData2(): Observable<any> { // <-- return observable here
// use `forkJoin` function to trigger multiple observables in parallel
return forkJoin({
title: this.dataService.getTitleImageUrl(,,
contact: this.dataService.getTitleImageUrl(,
// use `tap` operator to perform side-effects
tap(imageUrls => {
this.titleImageUrl = encodeURI(imageUrls.title.results[0]);
this.contactImageUrl = encodeURI([0]);

And later you could use higher order mapping operator (for co-dependent) observables to map from one observable to another

ngOnInit() {
switchMap(imageUrls => this.initData2())
response => {
// response from `this.initData2()`
error => {
// handle errors

Further information on handling nested subscriptions here.

how to execute a function after another one

You could pass b to a as a callback and then call it inside of a.

function a(cb) {  $('.title').text('3');  cb()}
function b() { $('.title').eq(0).text('5');}
$('button').on('click', function() { a(b);});
<script src=""></script>
<div class='title'>title</div><div class='title'>title</div><div class='title'>title</div><div class='title'>title</div>

Execute javascript function after previous one finishes

There's many different approaches to this but I would suggest using a Promise like this:

document.getElementById('btnSend').addEventListener('click', e => {    e.preventDefault();    var result = validateInputs(email, subject, message);    if(result){        showElement(document.getElementById('formGroupSpinner'), 2000).then(()=>{            return showElement(document.getElementById('formGroupSuccessImg'), 2000);        }).then(()=>{            resetForm();        });    }});
//expects an html element and a number representing miliseconds. Shows the html element for that amount of time.function showElement(element, mSeconds) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { element.classList.remove('d-none'); element.classList.add('d-block'); setTimeout( () => { element.classList.remove('d-block'); element.classList.add('d-none'); resolve(); }, mSeconds); });}

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