How to Create a Guid/Uuid

How do I create a GUID / UUID?

UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier), according to RFC 4122, are identifiers designed to provide certain uniqueness guarantees.

While it is possible to implement RFC-compliant UUIDs in a few lines of JavaScript code (e.g., see @broofa's answer, below) there are several common pitfalls:

  • Invalid id format (UUIDs must be of the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", where x is one of [0-9, a-f] M is one of [1-5], and N is [8, 9, a, or b]
  • Use of a low-quality source of randomness (such as Math.random)

Thus, developers writing code for production environments are encouraged to use a rigorous, well-maintained implementation such as the uuid module.

How to create a GUID/UUID in Python

The uuid module provides immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) and the functions uuid1(), uuid3(), uuid4(), uuid5() for generating version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122.

If all you want is a unique ID, you should probably call uuid1() or uuid4(). Note that uuid1() may compromise privacy since it creates a UUID containing the computer’s network address. uuid4() creates a random UUID.

UUID versions 6 and 7 - new Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) formats for use in modern applications and databases (draft) rfc - are available from


  • Python 2
  • Python 3

Examples (for both Python 2 and 3):

>>> import uuid

>>> # make a random UUID
>>> uuid.uuid4()

>>> # Convert a UUID to a string of hex digits in standard form
>>> str(uuid.uuid4())

>>> # Convert a UUID to a 32-character hexadecimal string
>>> uuid.uuid4().hex

How do I create a GUID / UUID?

UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier), according to RFC 4122, are identifiers designed to provide certain uniqueness guarantees.

While it is possible to implement RFC-compliant UUIDs in a few lines of JavaScript code (e.g., see @broofa's answer, below) there are several common pitfalls:

  • Invalid id format (UUIDs must be of the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", where x is one of [0-9, a-f] M is one of [1-5], and N is [8, 9, a, or b]
  • Use of a low-quality source of randomness (such as Math.random)

Thus, developers writing code for production environments are encouraged to use a rigorous, well-maintained implementation such as the uuid module.

Create a GUID in Java

Have a look at the UUID class bundled with Java 5 and later.

For example:

  • If you want a random UUID you can use the randomUUID method.
  • If you want a UUID initialized to a specific value you can use the UUID constructor or the fromString method.

How to insert a NEWID() / GUID / UUID into the code editor?

NEWID() itself is a function. when called returns a GUID value.

You do not have to put it in a separate window and then copy paste value from there. Just simply put that function there where you want the GUID value and when the query is executed at run time the value returned by this function will be used.

For instance in an Insert statement

INSERT INTO TableName (Col1 , Col2, Col3)
VALUES (1 , 'Value 1', NEWID())

If you want col3 to have a GUID value you do not need to copy paste the value returned from NEWID() function but you use the function itself. At runtime a guid value will be retuned and inserted into col3.

Similarly if you were updating

UPDATE TableName 
SET Col3 = NEWID()
WHERE <Some Condition>

Again you dont have to copy paste the value returned from NEWID() function just use the function itself.

Another Option would be suppose you are somewhere inside your code where you cannot call the NEWID() function . You would Declare a variable of type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER call the function store its value to that variable and then use that variable inside you code something like ...

SET @GUID_Value = NEWID();

-- Now use this variable anywhere in your code.

Adding to Keyboard Shortcut

For some strange reason if you want to add a shortcut to your SSMS to generate GUIDs for you. You would need to two thing.

  1. Create a stored Procedure which returns GUID value .
  2. Add a key shortcut to call that stored Procedure.

Proc Definition


Add it to shortcuts

From your SSMS goto Tools --> Options --> Environment --> Keyboard

add the stored procedure's name to the shortcut you want to. Click OK. Close SSMS and reopen it again and you are good to go.

Sample Image

As shown in the above snipshot, now if you press CTRL + 0 it will generate a GUID value for you in the same query window.

How do I create a GUID / UUID?

UUIDs (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier), according to RFC 4122, are identifiers designed to provide certain uniqueness guarantees.

While it is possible to implement RFC-compliant UUIDs in a few lines of JavaScript code (e.g., see @broofa's answer, below) there are several common pitfalls:

  • Invalid id format (UUIDs must be of the form "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", where x is one of [0-9, a-f] M is one of [1-5], and N is [8, 9, a, or b]
  • Use of a low-quality source of randomness (such as Math.random)

Thus, developers writing code for production environments are encouraged to use a rigorous, well-maintained implementation such as the uuid module.

How to create a GUID in Excel?

I am using the following function in v.2013 excel vba macro code

Public Function GetGUID() As String 
GetGUID = Mid$(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").GUID, 2, 36)
End Function

guid/uuid in Typescript Node.js app

Yes, here is code from my project:

import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid';
const id: string = uuid();

Note: to install definitions it is required to run

npm install --save-dev @types/uuid

MSSQL GUID/UUID from string

As someone stated in the comments, you should probably reconsider, BUT.. If string is of type varchar(16) or smaller (not nvarchar), there is a way to atleast approximately achieve what I understand your objective to be.

I do not know enough about your case to recommend this solution, but assuming you actually need to do it.. If nothing else, this might help you build your own function or decide it's a bad idea all together. The solution below requires you to build another function to basically do the same in reverse when retrieving data, if you want the original value back.

A uniqueidentifier is visually represented by a string of 32 alpha-numeric characters between 0-9 and A-F, as well as four dashes. This means that you have 16 options per position in that string, with 32 positions. I'd recommend against using the letter A as a filler in this function, below I've used 0 instead, as 00 is NULL in ASCII and AA would represent an actual character.

Starting off, you can transform each character in the string to its ASCII value with the ASCII() function. Thereafter, you can transform the returned integer to a hexadecimal string representation, by using division and modulus 16 on that value. ASCII ranges from 0-255 in SQL Server, which means there are 256 different characters. 256 is 16 times 16, which means you need two positions in the uniqueidentifier to represent each character in the input string, hence the limit of maximum 16 character strings in this function instead of 32 (see previous paragraphs). Finally, you need to insert the dashes at the correct spots and convert the string to an uniqueidentifier.

 CREATE FUNCTION dbo.MYGUID (@input varchar(17))
RETURNS uniqueidentifier
/* Unable to convert any string langer than 16 characters with this method */
IF LEN(@input) > 16

@result varchar(36) = '',
@char char(1) = '',
@placeholder varchar(32) = REPLICATE('0',32)

/* Convert all characters in string to psuedo-hexadecimal */
WHILE LEN(@input) > 0 BEGIN
/* Use first character in input string.. */
SET @char = LEFT(@input, 1)
/* Convert character to hexadecimal representation */
SET @result += CONVERT(char(1),
CASE ASCII(@char) / 16
ELSE CONVERT(char, ASCII(@char) / 16)
CASE ASCII(@char) % 16
ELSE CONVERT(char, ASCII(@char) % 16)
/* Remove first character from input string.. */
SET @input = STUFF(@input, 1, 1, '')

/* Make sure there are exactly 32 alpha-numeric characters in outgoing string */
SET @result = RIGHT(@placeholder+@result,32)

/* Insert dashes at the correct positions */
SET @result = STUFF(@result, 21, 0, '-')
SET @result = STUFF(@result, 17, 0, '-')
SET @result = STUFF(@result, 13, 0, '-')
SET @result = STUFF(@result, 9, 0, '-')

/* Returns string as uniqueidentifier */
RETURN CAST(@result as uniqueidentifier)

After you've created the function, you can use it by..

SELECT dbo.MYGUID(column1)
FROM table1


SELECT dbo.MYGUID('A12345')

A TypeScript GUID class?

Updated Answer

This is now something you can do natively in JavaScript/TypeScript with crypto.randomUUID().

Here's an example generating 20 UUIDs.