How to Break Line in JavaScript

How to break line in JavaScript?

Add %0D%0A to any place you want to encode a line break on the URL.

  • %0D is a carriage return character
  • %0A is a line break character

This is the new line sequence on windows machines, though not the same on linux and macs, should work in both.

If you want a linebreak in actual javascript, use the \n escape sequence.

onClick="parent.location=' for writing to me &body=I will get back to you soon.%0D%0AThanks and Regards%0D%0ASaurav Kumar'

Break line when string reaches X characters

If you want to break a string to certain length without cutting off any word, following code can help you:

const name = "YOUR_STRING";
const maxLen = 35; // you can play with this number to get desired result.

let result = name.substr(0, maxLen);
result = result.substr(0, Math.min(result.length, result.lastIndexOf(" ")));

How to break lines in javascript using .join

You can use a for loop with Array#slice.

const arr = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"];
const parts = [];
for(let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 3){
parts.push(arr.slice(i, i + 3).join(' '));

Line-breaks in between of text using JS ,(Dynamically)

You could use \n to insert a new line since you are using

h_1_elem.innerText = rndStr + "\n";

Also I created a function called randomNumber in order to call it more than one time.

var textArray = [
'Gateway to wild imaginations!',
'Activating the send portal :D',
'Empowering nothing ;P'

const h_1_elem = document.getElementById('main-h1');
h_1_elem.innerText = textArray[randomNumber()] + "\n";
h_1_elem.innerText += textArray[randomNumber()] + "\n";

function randomNumber() {
let number = Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length);
return number;
<div id="main-h1"></div>

Break the line in a concatenated string based on a matching criteria and add line breaks

Using "br"

You can simply append the text using innerHTML like:

var content = "Test 1<br>Test 2<br>Test 3"
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = content
<div id="result"></div>

How can I insert a line break into a Text component in React Native?

This should do it:

this is a test message.

How can I break line after specific scheme in text

As their documentation says here, you can pass options such as newline_char in chess.pgn() to decide what to add before every new line. You can pass \n which adds a new line in the <textarea> to show moves in a new line.

var updateEveryMove = function(){
document.getElementById('pgnview').innerHTML = chess.pgn({newline_char: '\n'});

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