Getting All Selected Checkboxes in an Array

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array

Formatted :


Hopefully, it will work.

Getting all selected checkboxes in an array to POST to API

prepended EDIT

It looks like the OP already has access to a FormData instance which in the OP's example code gets referred to as urlencoded.

Thus in order to provide a quick fix for the OP's code, a solution might look like this ...

// make an array from the ...
// ... node list of every checked
// ckeckbox control withing the #myDiv element ...
document.querySelectorAll('#myDiv [type="checkbox"]:checked')
.reduce((formData, control) => {

// ... and append key/name and value to `formData` ...
formData.append(, control.value);
return formData;

// ... which is represented by the `urlencoded` object
// that got provided as the `reduce` task's initial value.
}, urlencoded);

Further below one finds a fully-fledged and working example code in order to study the use of XHR and FormData.

+++ edit end +++

In addition to the logging check your DevTools Network tab as well. One should be able to inspect a failed (404) POST request to but with the correctly sent form data.

The provided approach uses a form element where it intercepts and prevents the browser's form submit but creates an own XHR from the form's method and action values.

In order to collect/aggregate the form data it uses the FormData Web API. Such an object can be directly passed to the XHR's send method.

function createXHRFromForm(form) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
// xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
// if (
// (this.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
// && (this.status === 200)
// ) {
// // handle success
// }
// };
return xhr;
function createCheckboxFormData(form) {
// for the given example form
// following line already was sufficient enough
// return new FormData(form);
// but a custom aggregation is supposed to be shown.
return Array
.reduce((formData, control) => {

formData.append(, control.value);
return formData;

}, new FormData);

function handleCheckboxDataSubmit(evt) {

const form = evt.currentTarget;

const xhr = createXHRFromForm(form);
const formData = createCheckboxFormData(form);

entries: [...formData.entries()],
name: formData.getAll('name'),

return false;

function main() {
.addEventListener('submit', handleCheckboxDataSubmit);
:not([type="submit"]) {
margin: 0!important;
padding: 0!important;
body { zoom: .85; }
label { display: block; cursor: pointer; }
[type="submit"] { margin-top: 3px; }
<form name="myForm" action="/" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="name" value="1" checked/>
<span class="label">Food Deals</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="name" value="2" checked/>
<span class="label">Groceries Deals</span>
<input type="checkbox" name="name" value="3"/>
<span class="label">Karam Box</span>
<button type="submit">POST</button>

How to make an array of items which are checked in checkbox

For a plain javascript solution, you can use document.querySelectorAll().

Retrieve the checkboxes and then loop over them, then push() all of the ones that have the checked: true property to an array called checked.

var checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]");var submit = document.getElementById("submit");
function getChecked() { var checked = [];
for (var i = 0; i < checkboxes.length; i++) { var checkbox = checkboxes[i]; if (checkbox.checked) checked.push(checkbox.value); }
return checked;}
submit.addEventListener("click", function() { var checked = getChecked(); console.log(checked);});
<input type="checkbox" value="first" checked><input type="checkbox" value="second" checked><input type="checkbox" value="third" checked>
<input type="submit" id="submit">

Best way to get all selected checkboxes VALUES in jQuery

You want the :checkbox:checked selector and map to create an array of the values:

var checkedValues = $('input:checkbox:checked').map(function() {
return this.value;

If your checkboxes have a shared class it would be faster to use that instead, eg. $('.mycheckboxes:checked'), or for a common name $('input[name="Foo"]:checked')

- Update -

If you don't need IE support then you can now make the map() call more succinct by using an arrow function:

var checkedValues = $('input:checkbox:checked').map((i, el) => el.value).get();

Get value checkbox and push in array

First, you are using the wrong selector. You should change .form-check in the javascript to .form-check-input or .delete-checkbox. Also you can easily get values of the selected checkboxes using jquery's .map() method.

Change your javascript code to something like this

function multiple_delete(id) {
const selected = $(".delete-checkbox:checked").map((i, el) => el.value).get();

if (selected.length > 0) {
url: "multiple-delete",
type: "POST",
data: selected.join(","),
success: function (data) {
if (data["success"]) {
} else {
error: function (data) {

How to get all the value of checked checkboxes using jquery/javascript?

You can simply use jQuery's .map() and .get() on all the checked check boxes:

$("label > span:contains('OTHERS')").prev().prop('checked', false);
var valor = $('input[type=checkbox]:checked').map(function(){ return this.value; }).get();console.log(valor);
$("label > span:contains('OTHERS')").prev().change(function(){ if(!this.checked) alert('Others unchecked');});
<script src=""></script><div class="form-group" id="documents">   <label> <input id="check_id3" type="checkbox" value="3" class="chk3" checked=""> <span>OTHERS</span>   <br>   </label>   <div style="padding-bottom:5px"></div>   <label> <input id="check_id1" type="checkbox" value="1" class="chk1" checked=""> <span>Invoice</span>   <br>   </label>   <div style="padding-bottom:5px"></div>   <label> <input id="check_id2" type="checkbox" value="2" class="chk2" checked=""> <span>Packing List</span>   <br>   </label>   <div style="padding-bottom:5px"></div></div>

get array of checkboxes checked, and only if seletced in a specific order, then go to URL

As you didn't share code , I will not help you fix it. I can give you some hints and you can try to implement that.

  1. Call onClick function on each checkbox selection.

  2. Create an array and push the selected checkbox's values into it.

    // example: checkedArr = [1,2,3,4];
  3. maintain a final order of values with another array

    // expectedArr = [1,2,3,4];
  4. Deep compare those 2 arrays and depending on their result, proceed with your business logic.
    Comparing two array with their order

    var is_same_arr = (checkedArr.length == expectedArr.length) && checkedArr.every(function(element, index) {
    return element === expectedArr[index];

jQuery get values of checked checkboxes into array

Call .get() at the very end to turn the resulting jQuery object into a true array.

var searchIDs = $("#find-table input:checkbox:checked").map(function(){
return $(this).val();
}).get(); // <----

Per the documentation:

As the return value is a jQuery object, which contains an array, it's very common to call .get() on the result to work with a basic array.

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