Communication Between Sibling Components in Vue.Js 2.0

Communication between sibling components in Vue.js 2.0

With Vue.js 2.0, I'm using the eventHub mechanism as demonstrated in the documentation.

  1. Define centralized event hub.

     const eventHub = new Vue() // Single event hub

    // Distribute to components using global mixin
    data: function () {
    return {
    eventHub: eventHub
  2. Now in your component you can emit events with

     this.eventHub.$emit('update', data)
  3. And to listen you do

     this.eventHub.$on('update', data => {
    // do your thing


Please see the answer by alex, which describes a simpler solution.

Passing data between Vue siblings

You probably have some import errors.

In your index.js, export it like:

export const Bus = new Vue({});

And in the files you do Bus.$emit(...) or Bus.$on(...) import it like:

import { Bus } from './index'; // make sure you use the correct relative path

Communication between sibling components in Vuejs

Plain Vue.js communication of sibling components can only be done only through the parent as you are describing on your example.

A more sofisticated way to handle these cases for more complex apps is a central state manager.

Vue.js creator has published a redux like component that when used with vuejs updates their state though actions dispatched on stores. Then the 'reactiveness' of the vuejs framework picks up any changes made to the state of the component and re-renders them.

The documentation of the component is really nice


Vuex Documentation

Vuex todo mvc example

For sibling communication between many identical components, how should I store the data in the lowest-common ancestor?

I ended up getting it working in a simple example in CodePen, which I'm going to use as a guide when trying to get it working on the actual site.

The summary of my findings with this solution is, "Vue will actually update when the nested entries of a Vuex state object are updated; you don't need to worry about it not detecting those changes. So it's OK to just keep all the data in a single big Vuex store object when you have many duplicate sibling components that need to react to each other."

Here's the CodePen:


Sample Image

Summary of what the CodePen example does

  • The data used to populate the menu all lives in the Vuex store in a single weeklyMenu object, which has child objects to break up the data into the different days / meals.
  • The individual meals have computed properties with get and set functions so that it can both get changes from the store and also update the store.
  • The DailyMenu and WeeklyMenu components get their aggregate data by simply having computed properties that iterate over the Vuex weeklyMenu object, and it "just works".
  • I have same-named meals update to match each other by iterating over the meals in the Vuex mutation and looking for meals with the same "Ingredient Name".

The code


<div id='weekly-menu'></div>
<li>Each row should have all the numbers in it summed and displayed ('total daily calories').</li>
<li>The week as a whole should have all the numbers summed and displayed ('total weekly calories').</li>
<li>If two or more input boxes have the same text, a change in one numerical input should propagate to the other same-named numerical inputs.</li>
<li>Ideally the data (ingredient names and calories) should be stored in one place (the top-level component or a Vuex store) to make it more straightforward to populate it from the database with a single HTTP call (which is not simulated in this example).</li>


const store = new Vuex.Store(
state: {
weeklyMenu: {
Sunday: {
Breakfast: {
name: 'aaa',
calories: 1
Lunch: {
name: 'bbb',
calories: 2
Monday: {
Breakfast: {
name: 'ccc',
calories: 3
Lunch: {
name: 'ddd',
calories: 4
mutations: {
updateIngredientCalories (state, {dayOfTheWeekName, mealName, newCalorieValue}) {
state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]['calories'] = newCalorieValue

const ingredientNameBeingUpdated = state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]['name']
for (const dayOfTheWeekName of Object.keys(state.weeklyMenu)) {
for (const mealName of Object.keys(state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName])) {
const mealToCheck = state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]
const ingredientNameToCheck = mealToCheck['name']
if (ingredientNameToCheck === ingredientNameBeingUpdated) {
mealToCheck['calories'] = newCalorieValue
updateIngredientName (state, {dayOfTheWeekName, mealName, newValue}) {
state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]['name'] = newValue

var Meal = {
template: `
<h4>{{ mealName }}</h4>
Ingredient Name: <input v-model="ingredientName" /><br/>
Calories: <input v-model.number="ingredientCalories" />
props: [
computed: {
ingredientCalories: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[this.dayOfTheWeekName][this.mealName]['calories']
set (value) {
if (value === '' || value === undefined || value === null) {
value = 0
this.$store.commit('updateIngredientCalories', {
dayOfTheWeekName: this.dayOfTheWeekName,
mealName: this.mealName,
newCalorieValue: value
ingredientName: {
get () {
return this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[this.dayOfTheWeekName][this.mealName]['name']
set (value) {
this.$store.commit('updateIngredientName', {
dayOfTheWeekName: this.dayOfTheWeekName,
mealName: this.mealName,
newValue: value

var DailyMenu = {
template: `
<h4>{{ dayOfTheWeekName }}</h4>
Total Daily Calories: {{ totalDailyCalories }}
<meal :day-of-the-week-name="dayOfTheWeekName" meal-name="Breakfast" />
<meal :day-of-the-week-name="dayOfTheWeekName" meal-name="Lunch" />
props: [
data: function () {
return {
components: {
meal: Meal
computed: {
totalDailyCalories () {
let totalDailyCalories = 0
for (const mealName of Object.keys(this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[this.dayOfTheWeekName])) {
totalDailyCalories += this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[this.dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]['calories']
return totalDailyCalories

var app = new Vue({
el: '#weekly-menu',
template: `<div id="weekly-menu" class="container">
<div class="jumbotron">
<h2>Weekly Menu</h2>
Total Weekly Calories: {{ totalWeeklyCalories }}
<table class="table">
<daily_menu day-of-the-week-name="Sunday" />
<daily_menu day-of-the-week-name="Monday" />
data: function () {
return {
computed: {
totalWeeklyCalories () {
let totalWeeklyCalories = 0
for (const dayOfTheWeekName of Object.keys(this.$store.state.weeklyMenu)) {
let totalDailyCalories = 0
for (const mealName of Object.keys(this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName])) {
totalDailyCalories += this.$store.state.weeklyMenu[dayOfTheWeekName][mealName]['calories']
totalWeeklyCalories += totalDailyCalories
return totalWeeklyCalories
components: {
daily_menu: DailyMenu
store: store

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