Calling Method Using JavaScript Prototype

Calling method using JavaScript prototype

I did not understand what exactly you're trying to do, but normally implementing object-specific behaviour is done along these lines:

function MyClass(name) { = name;

MyClass.prototype.doStuff = function() {
// generic behaviour

var myObj = new MyClass('foo');

var myObjSpecial = new MyClass('bar');
myObjSpecial.doStuff = function() {
// do specialised stuff
// how to call the generic implementation: /*, args...*/);

How to call self prototype function in javascript object Constructor

To call function on the current object you shouldn't use prototype, just call it(this.say()).

var Person = (function() {
function Person() {

Person.prototype.say = function() {
return Person;

var person = new Person();

To learn more about OOP in javascript you can read docs on MDN

Nice doc and examples on MDN for inheritance and prototype chain

Good notice from @FelixKling

The object this refers to doesn't have a prototype property. Only functions have a prototype property.

Javascript. How I call a prototype method given that methods name as a string plus args?

You want to use bracket notation and apply

scarpa.MyThing.prototype.genericCaller = function(methodName) {
var args = []; //converts arguments to an array
args.shift(); //remove the method name
this[methodName].apply(this, args); //call your method with the current scope and pass the arguments

Nice thing with using arguments is you do not have to worry about the d, e, f all the time. You can pass in 20 things and it will still work.

Calling prototype method from another method

Use this code:

vehicleSelect.prototype.getCarMakes = function() {
// Optional parameters
var options = {};

var select = $('#' + this.ID + ' .selMake'),
that = this;

select.on('change', function(e) {

// Callback function to be called when the API response is returned
function success(res) {
for (var i=0; i<res.makes.length; i++) {
value: res.makes[i].niceName,
html: res.makes[i].name
select + $(' option[value="placeholder"]').html('Select Make');
// Oops, we have a problem!
function fail(data) { console.log(data); }
// Fire the API call
this.res.api('/api/vehicle/v2/makes', options, success, fail);

For why you can't just use select.on('change', this.getCarModel) see this question (which also provides alternative solutions).

Why can't I call a method on the prototype?

You're not creating an instance of the right function! If you look at Test:

var Test = (function() {
return T;

Here, you're assigning Test to function that returns T, not T itself! That's why you can't call a method on the prototype of T. Instead, use an IIFE:

var Test = (function() {

})(); //Important!

This will assign T's reference to Test. Then create a new instance:

new Test();

Calling Javascript prototype method from another method

This seems to do the trick.

Moved all DOM element dependent code into a function that runs after all DOM Content has been loaded.
Added the wheel event listener on the referenced element

var myScroller;

function Scroller(el) { //Constructor
this.el.addEventListener('wheel', this.scrolling, { passive: true })

Scroller.prototype.scrolling = function(event){ //

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
let el = document.getElementById('myElement');
myScroller=new Scroller(el);
<div style="width:100px;height:100px;border:1px solid black" id="myElement"></div>

Javascript prototype function calling from typescript

function MyView(x, y) {
//other stuffs
this.initView(x, y); <---- error here

MyView.prototype.initView = function(x, y) {

MyView is a constructor function.

In order to use this you should call it with new keyword

new MyView(2,2)

I'm not sure that you need declare var MyView: any;

call javascript prototype method from another

With your current code, you can just do this:

var p = new Particles();

And, then inside of physicsStep(), it will appropriately execute this.computeForces() and this.integrationStep() and this will be a pointer to the p object that was created in the first line of code above.

The value of this is set by how a method/function is called as described here so if you are having problems with the value of this, then the issue is likely not in the method itself, but in how it is being called.

If you want help with that part of your code, then can add that code to your question and let us take a look.

Working example:

Yes, you are correct one problem does have to do with how you are using setInterval.

You can change this:

window.setInterval(particles.physicsStep, 1000 * particles.dt);

to this:

window.setInterval(particles.physicsStep.bind(particles), 1000 * particles.dt);

When you pass particles.physicsStep as a function reference to another function, the particles part of that gets lost. All that is passed is a reference to the physicsStep method so when setInterval then calls it, it is called as an ordinary function, not as a method of your object.

This is a common mistake in Javascript and there are a couple ways to deal with that issue. I showed using .bind() above. You can also make your own little stub function (which is essentially what .bind() does for you) like this:

window.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000 * particles.dt);

This ensures that physicStep() is called on the right object.

FYI, similar problem and answer here: How to get callback to work with "this" in class scope


Let's start with this setup:

function fn() { console.log(this); }
var thisvalue = {fn: fn};

Now you surely understand that thisvalue.fn() is a method call, and sets the logged this value to the thisvalue object.

Next, you seem to know that does exactly the same call. Alternatively, we could write (thisvalue.fn).call(thisvalue) (parentheses just for structure, could be omitted) as thisvalue.fn === fn:

thisvalue.fn(…); // is equivalent to
(thisvalue.fn).call(thisvalue, …); // or:
(fn).call(thisvalue, …);

OK, but…) is just a method call as well - the call method of functions is called on the fn function.

It can be accessed as such because all function objects inherit this .call property from Function.prototype - it's not an own property like .fn on the thisvalue object. However, === is the same as thisvalue.fn === fn.

Now, we can rewrite that method call of .call as an explicit invocation with .call():; // is equivalent to
(, thisvalue); // or:
(, thisvalue);

I hope you spot the pattern and can now explain why the following work as well:, fn, thisvalue);
var call =;, fn, thisvalue);

Breaking this down is left as an exercise to the reader :-)

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