Maven Does Not Find Junit Tests to Run

Maven does not find JUnit tests to run

By default Maven uses the following naming conventions when looking for tests to run:

  • Test*
  • *Test
  • *Tests (has been added in Maven Surefire Plugin 2.20)
  • *TestCase

If your test class doesn't follow these conventions you should rename it or configure Maven Surefire Plugin to use another pattern for test classes.

Maven not running JUnit 5 tests

According to the annotation (import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test), you are trying to run JUnit 5 tests with Maven. According to the documentation, you have to add this dependency:


Your version of Maven comes with a version of maven-surefire-plugin which does not support JUnit 5. You could update your Maven to the latest version. You could also set the version of the maven-surefire-plugin:

<!-- JUnit 5 requires Surefire version 2.22.0 or higher -->

See the junit5-samples for this information.

See the Maven Surefire Plugin artifact in a Maven repository. At version 3.0.0-M3 as of 2019-01.

Maven doesn't find JUnit test to run

The are several issues. First compiler source/target 1.6 does not work cause Junit 5 needs JDK 8 minimum...

To run JUnit 5 tests you have to add the following dependency:


Second as already mentioned you need to pin maven-surefire-plugin to minimum 2.22.1...

Maven not running JUnit test

If you're using JUnit 5 (Jupiter), you need to import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test instead of org.junit.Test (the latter is for JUnit 4).

Maven silently fails to find JUnit tests to run

It was an issue with the maven-surefire-plugin

There was something wrong with the default version of the maven-surefire-plugin, and I was able to fix it by upgrading that. I solved the problem by copying relevant sections from the JUnit5 sample Maven project on Github:



Tests not running through Maven?

Using the Maven Surefire plugin and JUnit 5 together requires some tweaking ...

From the docs:

The JUnit team has developed a very basic provider for Maven Surefire that lets you run JUnit 4 and JUnit Jupiter tests via mvn test. The pom.xml file in the junit5-maven-consumer project demonstrates how to use it and can serve as a starting point.

Due to a memory leak in Surefire 2.20, the junit-platform-surefire-provider currently only works with Surefire 2.19.1.


Maven will not find junit tests to execute, says it ran 0 tests and the build succeeded

org.junit.jupiter.api.Test is junit 5 (which may not be supported fully yet), and not junit 4. Remove the jupiter dependency and use junit 4 for now. A sample jUnit 4 test from

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;

public class CalculatorTest {
public void evaluatesExpression() {
Calculator calculator = new Calculator();
int sum = calculator.evaluate("1+2+3");
assertEquals(6, sum);

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