Java.Io.Filenotfoundexception: (Access Is Denied)

Java - Access is denied

When you create a new File, you are supposed to provide the file name, not only the directory you want to put your file in.

Try with something like

File file = new File("D:/Data/" + item.getFileName());

FileNotFoundException: "Access is denied" when loading data from .txt file

see if you can put your .txt file in different folder and see if that makes any difference. (Access is denied)

You cannot open and read a directory, use the isFile() and isDirectory() methods to distinguish between files and folders. You can get the contents of folders using the list() and listFiles() methods (for filenames and Files respectively) you can also specify a filter that selects a subset of files listed. (Access is denied) when i have permission to the file

Here is the code that answered my question:

    public static void writeSaves(File src, File dest) throws IOException { 
//if directory not exists, create it

//list all the directory contents
String files[] = src.list();

for (String file : files) {
//construct the src and dest file structure
File srcFile = new File(src, file);
File destFile = new File(dest, file);
//recursive copy

//if file, then copy it
//Use bytes stream to support all file types

InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src);
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dest);

byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

int length;
//copy the file content in bytes
while ((length = > 0){
out.write(buffer, 0, length);


Thank you all who tried to help!

Access is Denied in

If the error is really this one : .\doc\Builders (Access is denied) then it seems you're trying to open a directory, which means buildEnemy is not called with a valid filename

FileNotFoundException (Access is denied) when trying to write to a new file

It is reproducible if file is in read-only mode. Can you try like this.

public static void main(String[] args) {
String fileName = "sampleObjectFile.txt";
SampleObject sampleObject = new SampleObject();
File file = new File(fileName);
file.setWritable(true); //make it writable.
try(ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))){
} catch (IOException e) {

If you are writing the file on OS disk you need admin privileges. so avoid writing on OS disk. (path)(Access is denied) when uploading file

I think the reason this doesn't work when you try via ajax is because the code is running immediately when your page loads, without waiting for the user to select an image or click the button.

If you go to this link: and open the browser's network tab, you can see that the ajax request is made as soon as the page loads. When the button is clicked, it handles the request using the normal form action, because there's no JavaScript / jQuery code which actually handles the clicking of the button.

The reason for this is that this line:

 $("#btn").ready(function() {

isn't doing what you intend. The "ready" method is used to execute a function as soon as the page loads and the DOM is ready. The fact you attached it to "btn" makes no difference (and even if it did, it would just run once the button had rendered, which still isn't right). The jQuery documentation says on this:

...the selection has no bearing on the behavior of the .ready() method

See for more detail.

This means that no file is selected when the upload code runs, because the user hasn't had time to choose one. I think this in turns means that your Java code tries to save to a nonsensical / non-existent file path, because it doesn't appear to validate that the file was actually uploaded before trying to save it to disk.

What you actually want to do is handle the button's "click" event, which runs the code only when the user clicks the button:

$("#btn").click(function(event){ //note "click" instead of "ready"
event.preventDefault(); //stop default postback behaviour so we can use ajax
var data1 = new FormData($("#formId")[0]);

$.ajax( {
url: 'Sample1',
type: 'POST',
data :data1,
processData: false,
contentType: false,

N.B. Even if this doesn't fully fix the issue with the Access Denied (you still might not have permission, and I can't verify that or not), you certainly need to amend your code like this before the ajax upload can start working.

Reading/Writing FileNotFoundException (Access is denied)

Check the privileges for the user on the Orlowbase folder.
When I deny the privileges for read/write/total control I got the exception you show, when I allow them, your program runs fine.

enter image description here (Access is denied), file is written in @MultipartConfig(location) anyway

Finally got it working (looks like the file is within a single part of the ones sent). The code:

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {      
File uploads = new File("C:/temp");
Part filePart = request.getPart("file");
String fileName = extractFileName(filePart);
File f = new File(fileName);
File file = new File(uploads, f.getName());
try (InputStream input = filePart.getInputStream()) {
Files.copy(input, file.toPath());
} catch (Exception e){
PrintWriter out = response. getWriter();
out.print("<body>Failed to upload file <br>" + e.getMessage());

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