Is System.Nanotime() Completely Useless

Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?

This answer was written in 2011 from the point of view of what the Sun JDK of the time running on operating systems of the time actually did. That was a long time ago! leventov's answer offers a more up-to-date perspective.

That post is wrong, and nanoTime is safe. There's a comment on the post which links to a blog post by David Holmes, a realtime and concurrency guy at Sun. It says:

System.nanoTime() is implemented using the QueryPerformanceCounter/QueryPerformanceFrequency API [...] The default mechanism used by QPC is determined by the Hardware Abstraction layer(HAL) [...] This default changes not only across hardware but also across OS versions. For example Windows XP Service Pack 2 changed things to use the power management timer (PMTimer) rather than the processor timestamp-counter (TSC) due to problems with the TSC not being synchronized on different processors in SMP systems, and due the fact its frequency can vary (and hence its relationship to elapsed time) based on power-management settings.

So, on Windows, this was a problem up until WinXP SP2, but it isn't now.

I can't find a part II (or more) that talks about other platforms, but that article does include a remark that Linux has encountered and solved the same problem in the same way, with a link to the FAQ for clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME), which says:

  1. Is clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) consistent across all processors/cores? (Does arch matter? e.g. ppc, arm, x86, amd64, sparc).

It should or it's considered buggy.

However, on x86/x86_64, it is possible to see unsynced or variable freq TSCs cause time inconsistencies. 2.4 kernels really had no protection against this, and early 2.6 kernels didn't do too well here either. As of 2.6.18 and up the logic for detecting this is better and we'll usually fall back to a safe clocksource.

ppc always has a synced timebase, so that shouldn't be an issue.

So, if Holmes's link can be read as implying that nanoTime calls clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME), then it's safe-ish as of kernel 2.6.18 on x86, and always on PowerPC (because IBM and Motorola, unlike Intel, actually know how to design microprocessors).

There's no mention of SPARC or Solaris, sadly. And of course, we have no idea what IBM JVMs do. But Sun JVMs on modern Windows and Linux get this right.

EDIT: This answer is based on the sources it cites. But i still worry that it might actually be completely wrong. Some more up-to-date information would be really valuable. I just came across to a link to a four year newer article about Linux's clocks which could be useful.

What's wrong with System.nanoTime?

The differences between the two runs is in the order of microseconds and that is expected. There are many things going on on your machine which make the execution environment never the same between two runs of your application. That is why you get that difference.

EDIT: Java API says:

This method provides nanosecond precision, but not necessarily
nanosecond accuracy

System.nanoTime vs System.currentTimeMillis

As has been mentioned, computing a new origin each time means you are subject to error.

//                               ______ delay _______
// v v
long origin = (long)(System.currentTimeMillis() - System.nanoTime() / 1e6);
// ^
// truncation

If you modify your program so you also compute the origin difference, you'll find out it's very small. About 200ns average I measured which is about right for the time delay.

Using multiplication instead of division (which should be OK without overflow for another couple hundred years) you'll also find that the number of origins computed that fail the equality check is much larger, about 99%. If the reason for error is because of the time delay, they would only pass when the delay happens to be identical to the last one.

A much simpler test is to accumulate elapsed time over some number of subsequent calls to nanoTime and see if it checks out with the first and last calls:

public class SimpleTimeCoherencyTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
final long anchorNanos = System.nanoTime();

long lastNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
long accumulatedNanos = lastNanoTime - anchorNanos;

long numCallsSinceAnchor = 1L;

for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
TestRun testRun = new TestRun(accumulatedNanos, lastNanoTime);

Thread t = new Thread(testRun);

try {
} catch(InterruptedException ie) {}

lastNanoTime = testRun.lastNanoTime;
accumulatedNanos = testRun.accumulatedNanos;
numCallsSinceAnchor += testRun.numCallsToNanoTime;

System.out.println(lastNanoTime - anchorNanos);

static class TestRun
implements Runnable {
volatile long accumulatedNanos;
volatile long lastNanoTime;
volatile long numCallsToNanoTime;

TestRun(long acc, long last) {
accumulatedNanos = acc;
lastNanoTime = last;

public void run() {
long lastNanos = lastNanoTime;
long currentNanos;

do {
currentNanos = System.nanoTime();
accumulatedNanos += currentNanos - lastNanos;
lastNanos = currentNanos;
} while(currentNanos - lastNanoTime <= 100000000L);

lastNanoTime = lastNanos;

That test does indicate the origin is the same (or at least the error is zero-mean).

Precision vs. accuracy of System.nanoTime()

The first interpretation is correct. On most systems the three least-significant digits will always be zero. This in effect gives microsecond accuracy, but reports it at the fixed precision level of a nanosecond.

In fact, now that I look at it again, your second interpretation is also a valid description of what is going on, maybe even more so. Imagining freezed time, the report will be always the same wrong number of nanoseconds, but correct if understood as the integer number of microseconds.

Why is my System.nanoTime() broken?

The problem was resolved (with some open suspicions about the suitability of nanoTime() on multi-core systems!) by adding /usepmtimer to the end of my C:\boot.ini string; forcing Windows to use the Power Management timer rather than the TSC. It's an open question as to why I needed to do this given I'm on XP SP3, as I understood that this was the default, however perhaps it was due to the manner in which my machine was patched to SP3.

System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime

If you're just looking for extremely precise measurements of elapsed time, use System.nanoTime(). System.currentTimeMillis() will give you the most accurate possible elapsed time in milliseconds since the epoch, but System.nanoTime() gives you a nanosecond-precise time, relative to some arbitrary point.

From the Java Documentation:

public static long nanoTime()

Returns the current value of the most precise available system timer, in nanoseconds.

This method can only be used to
measure elapsed time and is not
related to any other notion of system
or wall-clock time. The value returned
represents nanoseconds since some
fixed but arbitrary origin time (perhaps in
the future, so values may be
negative). This method provides
nanosecond precision, but not
necessarily nanosecond accuracy. No
guarantees are made about how
frequently values change. Differences
in successive calls that span greater
than approximately 292 years (263
nanoseconds) will not accurately
compute elapsed time due to numerical

For example, to measure how long some code takes to execute:

long startTime = System.nanoTime();    
// ... the code being measured ...
long estimatedTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime;

See also: JavaDoc System.nanoTime() and JavaDoc System.currentTimeMillis() for more info.

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