How to Pass a Uri to an Intent

How to pass a URI to an intent?

you can store the uri as string

intent.putExtra("imageUri", imageUri.toString());

and then just convert the string back to uri like this

Uri myUri = Uri.parse(extras.getString("imageUri"));

pass uri to another activity and convert it to image

Convert you URI to String while adding to Intent like given below

i.putExtra("imagePath", selectedImage.toString());

and in your NextActivity get the String and convert back to URI like ->

Intent intent = getIntent(); 
String image_path= intent.getStringExtra("imagePath");
Uri fileUri = Uri.parse(image_path)

How to transfer a Uri image from one activity to another?

use with putExtra to send the Uri Path:

            Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
intent .setClass(ThisActivity.this, NewActivity.class);
intent .putExtra("KEY", Uri);
startActivity(intent );

In the newActivity OnCreate method:

   Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
if (extras != null && extras.containsKey("KEY")) {
Uri= extras.getString("KEY");

Use those func:
Uri to String:

Uri uri;
String stringUri;
stringUri = uri.toString();

String to Uri:

Uri uri;
String stringUri;
uri = Uri.parse(stringUri);

How to open a file in another app via an Intent using an URI?

Get rid of:

val file = File(Uri.parse(uri).path!!)

...and replace your setDataAndType() call with:

newIntent.setDataAndType(Uri.parse(uri), mimeType)

Pass image through intent using URI to another activity

In your FullImageActivity, do this to retrieve the bitmap

   Intent intent = getIntent();
Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap) intent.getParcelableExtra("pic");

This is because the bitmap class in android implements parcelable.

How to pass Uri value to bundle value

You can pass the Uri as a string using the toString function, then parse it back as a Uri.

So, to send it as part of the URI:

phonebookIntent.putExtra("uri", uriData.toString());

To read it back:

Uri uriData = Uri.parse(extras.getString"uri"));

How to properly put a Uri from a local file into a Intent

I want my local image file (located at res/drawable) to be converted to a Uri, so I can put it into a Intent to start an Activity.

Resources are files on your developer machine. They are not files on the device.

This is what I got until now

That will not work, as AFAIK there are zero Android devices with a /res directory off of the filesystem root, and your drawable resources would not be there anyway.

Why is my image not being recognized?

Your third one (android.resource scheme) is the closest. Get rid of the .jpg extension.

However, many third-party apps will not recognize that scheme. And, if you are implementing the activity that is to handle this request, I have no idea why you are using ACTION_SEND. If your objective is to only work within your own app, skip the Uri, package the drawable resource ID ( as an int extra, and have your other activity use that resource ID more naturally (e.g., setImageResource() on the ImageView).

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