How to Get the Part After the Decimal Point in Java

How to get the numbers after the decimal point? (java)

Well, you can use:

double x = d - Math.floor(d);

Note that due to the way that binary floating point works, that won't give you exactly 0.321562, as the original value isn't exactly 4.321562. If you're really interested in exact digits, you should use BigDecimal instead.

How to get the decimal part of a float?

float only has a few digit of precision so you should expect to see a round error fairly easily. try double this has more accuracy but still has rounding errors. You have to round any answer you get to have a sane output.

If this is not desireable you can use BigDecimal which does not have rounding errors, but has its own headaches IMHO.

EDIT: You may find this interesting. The default Float.toString() uses minimal rounding, but often its not enough.

System.out.println("With no rounding");
float n = 22.65f;
System.out.println("n= "+new BigDecimal(n));
float expected = 0.65f;
System.out.println("expected= "+new BigDecimal(expected));

System.out.println("n % 1= "+new BigDecimal(n % 1));
System.out.println("n - Math.floor(n) = "+new BigDecimal(n - Math.floor(n)));
System.out.println("n - (int)n= "+new BigDecimal(n - (int)n));

System.out.println("With rounding");
System.out.printf("n %% 1= %.2f%n", n % 1);
System.out.printf("n - Math.floor(n) = %.2f%n", n - Math.floor(n));
System.out.printf("n - (int)n= %.2f%n", n - (int)n);


With no rounding
n= 22.6499996185302734375
expected= 0.64999997615814208984375
n % 1= 0.6499996185302734375
n - Math.floor(n) = 0.6499996185302734375
n - (int)n= 0.6499996185302734375
With rounding
n % 1= 0.65
n - Math.floor(n) = 0.65
n - (int)n= 0.65

How to check if a double value has no decimal part

You could simply do

d % 1 == 0

to check if double d is a whole.

Get decimal portion of a number with JavaScript

Use 1, not 2.

js> 2.3 % 1

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