How to Escape the Equals Sign in Properties Files

How to escape the equals sign in properties files

In your specific example you don't need to escape the equals - you only need to escape it if it's part of the key. The properties file format will treat all characters after the first unescaped equals as part of the value.

How to include # in properties file. '\#' escape doesn't work

Tested on Java 8 works fine without any escape character

Example below


name# = #John#

Java code

System.out.println( p.getProperty("name#"));

Prints: #John#


If the key contains the first character as # in that case you need to escape it with '\' in properties file


\#country# = #India#

Properties file escape a value

After the first = without escape, no.

If you use eclipse, you might want install the JBoss Tools Properties Editor. You not need to worry about escaping values ​​manually as you mention SOME=KEY or Unicode. However, the pluging escapes the characters to avoid reading and coding problems.

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How to escape @ in properties file spring boot

Normally you do not have to escape @ or you can use the escaped \\@ in your .properties file:


But I had some issues using this for authentication purposes. In that case you might want to use the encoded %40 for @:

# replace @ in email with %40

Do I need to escape special characters in No escaping is required for your specified characters.

If you use e.g. a backslash, you'd need to escape it with another backslash, like so: C:\\Development\\mydir

application.yml: Surround value with " and escape embedded " like this \"

Note: application.yml is outside question from OP. Use either or application.yml, not both.

Tested and verified with this entry in


And tested again with this entry in application.yml

entry-with-special-characters: "@~!%&=\"\""

Output value to console like this (put code inside e.g. class annotated with @SpringBootApplication, will run when application starts)

public CommandLineRunner propertiesTest(@Value("${myapp.entry-with-special-characters}") String myVal) {
return args -> System.out.printf("Test-output for StackOverflow: %s\n", myVal);

With Flyway, try this instead

* Override default flyway initializer to do nothing
FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayInitializer(Flyway flyway, @Value("${myapp.entry-with-special-characters}") String myVal) {
System.out.printf("Test-output for StackOverflow: %s\n", myVal);
return new FlywayMigrationInitializer(flyway, (f) ->{} );

Spring Boot: Hibernate and Flyway boot order

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Answer to the question

Is there a way to view what password is Spring using to attempt the

can be to replace the key myapp.entry-with-special-characters in the above bean with relevant key from Please keep in mind that passwords are secrets.

Environment used during testing:

  • Spring Boot 2.4.1
  • JDK 14.0.2
  • Windows 10 Home

How do you escape colon (:) in Properties file?

Put the properties into the Properties object and save it using a store(...) method. The method will perform any escaping required. The Java documentation says:

"... For the key, all space characters are written with a preceding \ character. For the element, leading space characters, but not embedded or trailing space characters, are written with a preceding \ character. The key and element characters #, !, =, and : are written with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are properly loaded."

You only need to manually escape characters if you are creating / writing the file by hand.

Conversely, if you want the file to contain unescaped colon characters, you are out of luck. Such a file is malformed and probably won't load properly using the Properties.load(...) methods. If you go down this route, you'll need to implement your own custom load and/or store methods.

How to escape double column in Java properties file?

You are not using the Properties API but TypeSafe Config.

You need to wrap that key into double-quotes. Quoting from TypeSafe Config documentation:

Unquoted strings are used literally, they do not support any kind of escaping. Quoted strings may always be used as an alternative when you need to write a character that is not permitted in an unquoted string.

As such, you key needs to be "wasb://rest_of_the_path"

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