How to Convert List to JSON in Java

How to convert List to Json in Java

Use GSON library for that. Here is the sample code

List<String> foo = new ArrayList<String>();

String json = new Gson().toJson(foo );

Here is the maven dependency for Gson

<!-- Gson: Java to Json conversion -->

Or you can directly download jar from here and put it in your class path

To send Json to client you can use spring or in simple servlet add this code


How to convert list data into json in java

public static List<Product> getCartList() {

JSONObject responseDetailsJson = new JSONObject();
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();

List<Product> cartList = new Vector<Product>(cartMap.keySet().size());
for(Product p : cartMap.keySet()) {
JSONObject formDetailsJson = new JSONObject();
formDetailsJson.put("id", "1");
formDetailsJson.put("name", "name1");
responseDetailsJson.put("forms", jsonArray);//Here you can see the data in json format

return cartList;


you can get the data in the following form

"forms": [
{ "id": "1", "name": "name1" },
{ "id": "2", "name": "name2" }

Convert List to JsonObject in Java using json simple

Got the answer -

First converted the List to Map and then to Json -

public Map<String, String> test() {

Map<String, String> result =, Item::getType)); //Converts List items to Map

System.out.println("Result : " + result);

JSONObject json = new JSONObject(result); //Converts MAP to JsonObject

System.out.println("JSON : " + json); //prints {"firstname":"abc","lastname":"pqr","id":"1"}
return result;

Convert list of Objects to JSON Array in java - Spring Boot api testing

It seems to me that the issue is that you are trying to pass something like the following JSON to the content:

"compania1_list": "Compania1 list",
"name1": "name1",
"s": "---",
"s1": "---",
"o": null,
"o1": null
"compania1_list": "Compania2 list",
"name1": "name2",
"s": "---",
"s1": "---",
"o": null,
"o1": null

This is a JSON Array with 2 JSON Objects and not a JSON Object with a JSON Array with 2 JSON Objects. My guess is that MockHttpServletRequestBuilder.content() method is not expecting JSON like this.

With this being said, I would change your Controller to accept an Object and not a Collection as follows:

public Map<String, Object> createCompanias(@RequestBody CompaniasCreationRequest companiasCreationRequest) {
return companiaService.postListCompanias(companiasCreationRequest.getCompanias());

Being CompaniasCreationRequest as follows:

public class CompaniasCreationRequest {
private List<Compania> companias;

public CompaniasCreationRequest(List<Compania> companias) {
this.companias = companias;

public List<Compania> getCompanias() {
return companias;

public void setCompanias(List<Compania> companias) {
this.companias = companias;

In your test this would mean the following changes:

void successSavePostCompaniaLista() throws Exception {
Compania c1 = new Compania("Compania1 list",
Compania c2 = new Compania("Compania2 list",

CompaniasCreationRequest companiasCreationRequest = new CompaniasCreationRequest(List.of(c1,c2));


.header("authorization", "Bearer " + token)

Now your request body will look like the following (which is a somewhat more standard JSON format):

"companias": [
"compania1_list": "Compania1 list",
"name1": "name1",
"s": "---",
"s1": "---",
"o": null,
"o1": null
"compania1_list": "Compania2 list",
"name1": "name2",
"s": "---",
"s1": "---",
"o": null,
"o1": null

How to convert JSON string into List of Java object?

You are asking Jackson to parse a StudentList. Tell it to parse a List (of students) instead. Since List is generic you will typically use a TypeReference

List<Student> participantJsonList = mapper.readValue(jsonString, new TypeReference<List<Student>>(){});

How to convert an Array List of objects to Json

Play comes with play-json module which can do it. You might have to create a wrapping class to output the kunden root node:

public class Kunden {
private List<Kunde> kunden;
// getter and setter

Kunden root = new Kunden();

JsonNode rootNode = Json.toJson(root);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String json = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(node);

Note that ObjectMapper is used to pretty print.

See the official Play Framework 2.6.X docs: Mapping Java objects to JSON.

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