Gradlew Command Not Found

gradlew command not found?

Gradle wrapper needs to be built. Try running gradle wrapper --gradle-version 2.13 Remember to change 2.13 to your gradle version number. After running this command, you should see new scripts added to your project folder. You should be able to run the wrapper with ./gradlew build to build your code. Please refer to this guid for more information

Gradle Wrapper: command not found?

You're missing the . dot in your command. And from your screenshot, you're own a Windows machine so you should use the .bat script.

./gradlew.bat help

gradlew is not found (No such file or directory)

gradlew script is so-called Gradle wrapper, a self-contained script which allows people to run Gradle tasks without gradle installed. However it doesn't have to exist to execute Gradle tasks, it's absolutely optional.

You can generate Wrapper in your project by executing the task

gradle wrapper

Afterward, you can use ./gradlew script instead of gradle from PATH

To specify a Gradle version use --gradle-version on the command-line.
Just execute the command:

gradle wrapper --gradle-version <your gradle version>

Take a look here for more exhaustive and comprehensive explanation:

how to execute gradle wrapper/gradlew command in android studio in windows

I should execute it in which directory? in my android project or
gradle project? and how to execute it without error?

gradlew should be executed from the project directory.

If you are using android studio, then simply switch to Terminal tab located at the bottom:


And execute your gradlew commands.

'gradlew' is not recognized as an internal or external command error in Android Studio terminal

  1. gradlew command is available in your project directory. If you are trying to run this command from somewhere else it will throw error.
  2. Also gradlew command package is automatically generated by Android studio when you create a new project. It will also prompt you to generate new gradle wrapper when you open the project.
  3. you have to use ./gradlew instead of gradlew , if you are using Mac or Linux

How to run Gradle from the command line on Mac bash


Your directory with gradlew is not included in the PATH, so you must specify path to the gradlew. . means "current directory".

Unable to run gradlew

Ok so the solution was to run gradlew on the Linux partition itself. Somehow, when I ran it from a Windows partition mounted in Linux, the file couldn't get execute permissions even though I ran chmod 777 gradlew. When I copied the project into the Linux filesystem and ran it, it worked fine (after setting execute permission for it).

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