Google Sign in Signed APK Not Working

Google sign in signed apk not working

As I understand, you have provided the debug SHA1 in the developer console,
then you signed the apk and the SHA1 changed.
If this is the case try the following you should obtain the release SHA1 from the keystore and replace the old SHA with that.

1. Open terminal and change the directory to JDK bin directory. Include your installed JDK version inside the path, for me it was - jdk1.8.0_101 (type javac -version to get the Java version) :


    cd /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/<your_JDK_version>.jdk/Contents/Home/bin


    cd C:\Program Files\Java\your_JDK_version\bin 

2. Use keytool to obtain the release SHA1 :

    keytool -list -v -keystore <keystore_name> -alias <alias_name>

3. Go to your project's credentials page and replace the SHA1 to your keystore's release SHA1.

google signIn not working in release mode apk android

Make sure you follow all the steps specified in the Guide

. If need be, create a new OAuth Client, new configuration file (the google-services.json) file and do everything step-by-step.

Also try adding a Web Client giving the same credentials.
And for Android as well as Web client give both the SHA1 for debug as well as the release keystores.
In Android Studio, at extreme left you will see a tab saying "Build Variants". Select the release mode there and do everything after that.

Google sign in is not working after signing Apk

The problem is all I need to link my app signing SHA-1 certificate to firebase project.In Google play console after heading to Release management -> App signing for there copy App signing SHA-1 certificate and paste it in firebase project settings.It worked fine for me.


Google Sign-in not working after releasing signed APK in Alpha testing

As AndroDevelopers said in this comment:

go to fire base --> settings --> account linking ---> google play (Click Manage Linking) and click link google play account that's it. wait few minutes u will get Your App Working

It is help me.

Problem with Google Sign-in in Android Project - APK - Prod Version Problem

The release SHA1 that you have put in Firebase would not match the one for the application you have on the Play Store.

You should replace this with the SHA1 that will be visible in your Play Console where you have uploaded the app. Uploading this SHA1 will help you solve this issue.

with google for android not working in release apk

Finally solved it. I added the SHA1 key for my release key (the .jks file) in the Google Developers Console under the project registered.
In Android Studio, at the left side, there is an option for Build variants under the project view. There, I changed each module to release mode (it is in debug mode by default). Then created the Signed APK by usual method, and run the app. The Google Signin worked perfectly.

Changing the build variants

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