Eclipse Console Not Showing Output

Console in Eclipse isn't showing output

Was getting a bit long for a comment:

Specifically how are you running this program?

What is the name of the console that is displaying this text? It should be just below the Console tab and above the first line of text.

In the console view there are icon options, when hovered on they display their names, use the X to close this console that you do not want.

Also, check "Display Selected Console" and "Open Console" to see if there is any console available that corresponds to the running/completed program


It looks like ctrl + F11 is running something called Main [5] as a Java Application rather than delila. Try running this class directly, right click on the source file, Run As Java Application. See how that works.

Eclipse console no output

I figured it out. It was a dummy mistake I made... I installed Aptana3 and it changed the color scheme of eclipse and when I tried to fix it I changed a lot of colors and by mistake I changed the background and the output color both to white, so actually the output was there, just I was not able to see it. Any moderator can delete my question, because I think it's a silly mistake.

Eclipse console doesn't show the whole output

What are the preferences for the console? Especially check the settings "Fixed width console" plus "Limit console output". Maybe your console simply can't hold that many characters in one line.

In Eclipse if you go to preference and in the drop-down, you can see RUN/DEBUG option if you click on that RUN/DEBUG drop-down you can see the console button and there you can adjust the "Fixed width console" plus "Limit console output"

[EDIT] Now Eclipse eventually has to cut the data in the console since it doesn't have infinite amounts of memory. If the console is still cut off, you can use this trick: Open the "Run Configurations" dialog (Found in the drop down menu for the green "run" button).

The tab "Common" tab has options in the "Standard Input and Output" group at the bottom to save a copy of all output in a file. You can then use your OSs tools to examine this file.

Also note that very long lines can make Eclipse slow (i.e. it can hang for a couple of seconds). This is due to a bug in the regexp matching patterns for Exception stack traces. If that happens, limit the line length to 1000 characters or less.

This is especially a problem with Spring which sometimes creates exceptions that have 50'000 characters in the message.

If you have a similar problem with the CDT Global Build Console, see here: Eclipse CDT Build Console output not displaying entire compiler output

Eclipse Console not printing until termination of program

Try this:

int main()
int i;
printf("Provide a number.\n");
printf("You provided: %d\n",i);

Eclipse console not showing any error/log output

Issue will fix with adding following VM argument in your server

Please Go Eclipse->Server Tab -> Click on Open Launch Configuration ->VM arguments

And add this argument in VM argument section

Here in this link more and detail about the issue

After reading what has been said in this thread, I'm trying to
summarize the use of the per-deployment flag:

1.0 When per-deployment is true (default):

1.1 AS7.1.2 is scanning for logging configuration files in your deployment (WAR), If a configuration file is found then that
deployment will get its own log context and be configured via the
configuration file.

1.2 Once the properties file is found, it will be read and the application logging will go to wherever it has been specified to log
(with the corresponding handler).

1.3 Logging jars don't need to be included with the application.

2.0 Setting the flag to false disables this feature, and the deployment scanner will not look for these files. Therefore:

2.1 You have to use the jboss-deployment-structure.xml to exclude the AS server's logging dependencies you are using and include them into
your deployment.

2.2 Logging functionality is left up to the application. The application should have all the configuration files and required
libraries (That's why the server's libraries have to be excluded)

2.3 If the application had, for example, a log4j.xml but no log4j dependency. The application will stop logging.

Personally, I'm using when
I get missing dependencies errors at during deployment so that it
displays in the console the stack trace for the missing class.
Otherwise the only error we get in AS7's console (and server.log) is:
Services with missing/unavailable dependencies Which does not make it easy to track down the missing

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