Crudrepository How to Find by Last Date Between

Crudrepository How to find by last date between?

You're almost there. The slight tweak would be this if I read the documentation correctly:

Data data = dataRepository.findTopByUpdatedBetweenOrderByUpdatedDesc(start, stop);


Get last records ordered by date on Spring Data

Turns out that the signature of the method was incorrect. The right one is:


Is a little confusing because in the official samples they have this:

List<User> findTop10ByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable);

As you can see there is only one By there, the usual one.

Get records for last 3 days via Spring JPA Repository

I suggest to split the logic from the actual queries. A service could handle all the intermediate things, e.g.:

public class MessageService {
private final MessageRepository repository;

public MessageService(MessageRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;

List<Message> getLastThreeDays() {
// subtract 3 days from today
LocalDate threeDaysAgoDate =;
return this.repository.findAllWithDateAfter(threeDaysAgoDate);


and your repository stays nice and clean:

public interface MessageRepository extends JpaRepository<Message, Long> {

Optional<Message> findByMessageId(Long id);

@Query("select m from Message m where date >= :threeDaysAgoDate")
List<Message> findAllWithDateAfter(@Param("threeDaysAgoDate") LocalDate threeDaysAgoDate);


How to combine multiple date-between searches with CrudRepository of Spring Data JPA?

The Between keyword naturally binds two parameters. Thus after binding the from clause, the parameter list is exhausted and we don't know which parameters to use for the second criteria.

A manually defined query should do the trick:

interface BookRepository extends Repository<Book, Integer> {

@Query("select b from Book b " +
"where b.from between ?1 and ?2 and between ?1 and ?2")
List<Book> findByDatesBetween(Date departure, Date arrival);

findby date between 2 dates

Considering campStartDate will always be less than campEndDate, and if you are trying to find records for a date which you pass a date which is falling in between, than I think you got your comparison wrong, you should change condition as below

public interface Bulk_repositoryRepository extends CrudRepository<Bulk_repository, Long> {

List<Bulk_repository>findAllByStatusAndCampTypeAndCampStartDateGreaterThanEqualAndCampEndDateLessThanEqual(int status, int campType,Date campStartDate,Date campEndDate);
Bulk_repository findById(long id);


If you don't want to pass date then JPQL can help you, try changing method signature in repository something like

public interface Bulk_repositoryRepository extends CrudRepository<Bulk_repository, Long> {

@Query("SELECT b FROM Bulk_repository b WHERE b.status = :status and b.campStartDate >=CURRENT_DATE and b.campEndDate <= CURRENT_DATE)
List<Bulk_repository>findAllByStatusAndCampTypeAndCampStartDateGreaterThanEqualAndCampEndDateLessThanEqual(@Param("status") int status);
Bulk_repository findById(long id);


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