Better Way to Detect If a String Contains Multiple Words

Better way to detect if a string contains multiple words

Editors note: Despite being heavily upvoted and accepted, this does not function the same as the code in the question. execute is called on the first match, like a logical OR.

You could use an array:

String[] matches = new String[] {"adsf", "qwer"};

bool found = false;
for (String s : matches)
if (input.contains(s))

This is efficient as the one posted by you but more maintainable. Looking for a more efficient solution sounds like a micro optimization that should be ignored until proven to be effectively a bottleneck of your code, in any case with a huge string set the solution could be a trie.

How to check if a string contains multiple words on different locations

If you want to know the length of the match, e.g. using regex:

var str = "There idea";

var pattern = new RegExp("\\b" + str.replace(/ +/g, "\\b.*\\b") + "\\b", "i")

var strings = [
"There is this one thing that I'm trying to do but I have no idea how",
"I really have no clue how too fix it",
"Hopefully maybe someone can help me"

for( i=0; i < strings.length; i++ )
if( res=strings[i].match(pattern) )
console.log( res[0], res[0].length )

Check if a string contain multiple specific words

For this, you will need Regular Expressions and the preg_match function.

Something like:

if(preg_match('(bad|naughty)', $data) === 1) { } 

The reason your attempt didn't work

Regular Expressions are parsed by the PHP regex engine. The problem with your syntax is that you used the || operator. This is not a regex operator, so it is counted as part of the string.

As correctly stated above, if it's counted as part of the string you're looking to match: 'bad || naughty' as a string, rather than an expression!

Fastest/most minimal way to check if string contains multiple words

I would iterate through the string, counting the words and iterating over any consecutive whitespace.

  • Increase word count whenever moving from whitespace to non-whitespace.
  • Increase word count if string starts with non-whitespace

    int countWords(string& toCount, const string& whitespace){
    enum countStatus {
    } status=startOfString;

    int wordCount=0;

    for(char& c : toCount) {
    bool characterIsWhitespace=false;

    if (whitespace.find(c)!=string::npos) {

    switch(status) {
    case startOfString:
    if (characterIsWhitespace) {
    } else {

    case initialWhitespace:
    if (!characterIsWhitespace) {

    case movePastWord:
    if (characterIsWhitespace) {

    case movePastWhitespace:
    if (!characterIsWhitespace) {

    return wordCount;

Python - Check if a string contains multiple words

Basic implementation

Generally, you use split() to split a string of words into a list of them. If the list has more than one element, it's True (i.e. you could print yes)

def contains_multiple_words(s):
return len(s.split()) > 1

Punctuation support

To support punctuation etc as well, you can split on a regular expression, via the re module's split command:

import re

def contains_multiple_words(s):
return len(re.compile('\W').split(s)) > 1

The regular expression character class \W means any single non-word character, e.g. punctuation or spaces (see the Python regex syntax guide for details).

Thus, splitting on this instead of just space (the default in the first example) allows for a more realistic idea of "words".

Check if multiple strings exist in another string

You can use any:

a_string = "A string is more than its parts!"
matches = ["more", "wholesome", "milk"]

if any(x in a_string for x in matches):

Similarly to check if all the strings from the list are found, use all instead of any.

Php check if string contains multiple words



for an array use the following function

function substr_count_array( $haystack, $needle ) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($needle as $substring) {
$count += substr_count( $haystack, $substring);
return $count;

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