Xcode - Sharing App - Packageapplication Failed with Exit Code 1

Xcode - Sharing app - PackageApplication failed with exit code 1

Had the same problem today..
The "Code Signing Resource Rules Path" was missing in the PROJECT - Build Settings

Opened the "Build Settings" tab of your project.
Searched "Code Signing Resource Rules Path", it was empty for me
and added

credits goes to Adams Blair who described this problem with SDK2.2

How to fix Xcode 6.1 error while building IPA

I wish I knew why it works, but here's a fix that worked for me:

Found the fix !

Click on your project > Targets > Select your target > Build Settings

Code Signing Resource Rules Path

and add :


Xcode Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 : errSecInternalComponent

Open Keychain Access, then in the File menu select Lock All Keychains.

Then go back to Xcode and clean and rebuild. It will prompt you for your password again to unlock the keychain.

After this, assuming you have no other compile issues, it will succeed!

Xcrun PackageApplication, failed unable to copy application

I got this error because of a trailing '/' on the app path:

This fails:

xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v foobar.app/

This works:

xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v foobar.app

PackageApplication stopped working with OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) today

Found the answer.

The problem that occurred now was the "xcrun PackageApplication" something something line. I had to remove the "-sign some profile" parameter, then things started working again.

That said I don't know why signing was necessary before, and why it isn't now so can't tell if this is going to cause some problem later.

Xcode command line build error

Check this question:
Xcode - Sharing app - PackageApplication failed with exit code 1

Apple states that "there is no need..." it's like being ignored, but you are not violating any rule, I think other platforms that compile this projects that are still taking that field into account, so if you have problems compiling or archiving just add $(SDKROOT)/ResourceRules.plist to Code Signing Resource Rules Path and try again.

Jenkins error after upgrading to Xcode 8 -resource rules

Found the Fix.
As the warning says --resource-rules has been deprecated.
I removed the resource-rules related script from "PackageApplication" file at location /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/

Edit the file "PackageApplication" as described below (Copy at diff location, edit and replace)

remove the lines ",resource-rules" and ", "--resource-rules=$destApp/ResourceRules.plist""

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