Xcode Command /Usr/Bin/Codesign Failed With Exit Code 1: Errsecinternalcomponent

command/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1- code sign error

You almost made it on your own, but in the end there seems to be something wrong with your profile.

First I would recommend a tool to "look inside" the profile to make sure it's the right one: http://furbo.org/2013/11/02/a-quick-look-plug-in-for-provisioning/

This will just add some more information about the profile, when selecting it in Finder and pressing space (Quick Look).

Check your Xcode Preferences:

  1. Xcode Perferences (CMD + ,)
  2. Accounts
  3. Select your account on the left
  4. Select view details on the bottom right
  5. Refresh (using the small button on the bottom left)

Xcode Settings

Xcode stores the profiles in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

If your distribution profile is not in there, double click on it.

Then it should appear in that folder, but with a hashed name, e.g. 1edf8f42-fd1c-48a9-8938-754cdf6f7f41.mobileprovision at this point the Quick Look plugin comes in handy :-)

Next, check your Project Settings:

  1. select the target (not project) you want to build in Xcode
  2. switch to build settings
  3. look for the "Code Signing" section
  4. check if the correct profile is selected under "Provisioning Profile" => "Release"

Build Settings

Next, check your Scheme Settings:

  1. select Product menu
  2. open scheme submenu
  3. select edit scheme...
  4. select "Archive" on the left
  5. Build configuration should be set to "Release"

Scheme Settings

Next, check the Keychain Access Trust settings:

  1. open keychain access (spotlight => keychain)
  2. select login
  3. click on Certificates
  4. look for iPhone Distribution: Elena Carrasco (8HE2MJLM25) on the right
  5. right click, select "Get Info"
  6. open "Trust" section
  7. set to "Use System Defaults"
  8. repeat steps 5 to 7 for Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certificate Authority


Next, check the Keychain Access private key Access Control:

  1. repeat steps 1 to 4 from previous check
  2. expand the profile to make your private key visible
  3. right click on the private key, select "Get Info"
  4. switch to "Access Control"
  5. select "Confirm before allowing access"
  6. use the "+" button to add "codesign" (normally located in /usr/bin/codesign)

    Hint: if it doesn't show up in the file browser, use cmd + shift + g to enter the path manually
  7. when using Carthage: add /usr/bin/productbuild here as well (thx to DesignatedNerd)
  8. "Save Changes"

Keychain 2

Hope one of this does trick for you!

Update (4/22/16):

I just found a very nice explanation about the whole code sign process (it's really worth reading):

Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 on Xcode 11

In Keychain Access... The solution was right clicking on Apple Worldwide Developer Relations Certification Authority and select Get Info. In the Image bellow, I've change When using this certificate to Use System Defaults and the system asked me to put password. Now it's working \o/

Sample Image

Xcode Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 : errSecInternalComponent

Open Keychain Access, then in the File menu select Lock All Keychains.

Sample Image

Then go back to Xcode and clean and rebuild. It will prompt you for your password again to unlock the keychain.

Sample Image

After this, assuming you have no other compile issues, it will succeed!

Sample Image

How to fix Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 error

Your issue is probably caused by the wrong signing identity you have selected

Signing Identity: "-"

Seems to be an invalid signing identity

Try to select a valid signing identity on your project's signing settings:

Target build settings -> Signing

/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1


The Technical Note in my original answer is now deprecated. Apple posted a collection of code signing problems (and some solutions) in a new document: Technical Note TN2407 Code Signing Troubleshooting Index

Check the CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY property in your build settings. Is your provisioning profile selected there?

You also need to enter a valid bundle identifier in your apps .plist.

The identifier has to match the one you provided when generating the profile.

Apple has a technote about that here.

Getting this error command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1 with xcode 9.1?

Try updating your keyChain password. For that try following

  • If you don't know your old password, the solution is to create a new
    login keychain.

  • If you know your old password, use that password to update your existing login keychain:

    1. Open the Keychain Access app, which is in the the Utilities folder of your Applications folder.
    2. From the list of keychains on the left side of the window, select "login."
    3. From the Edit menu in the menu bar, choose “Change Password for Keychain 'login.'”
    4. Enter the old password of your user account in the Current Password field.
    5. This is the password you were using before the password was reset.
    6. Enter the new password of your user account in the New Password field. This is the password you're now using to log in to your Mac. Enter the same password in the Verify field.

Click OK when done, then quit Keychain Access. Quit your Xcode, reopen the project and try building your project it should work.

Xcode Signing Failed Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

In case, if you are running on a device it gives this error because of the following reason:

The signing identity of provisioning profile you are using is Distribution profile as I can see from this error:

Signing Identity: "iPhone Distribution: pocket queries, Inc. (PXS8PN3EZZ)" Provisioning Profile: "plantapp_dis" (b7ae657e-8ceb-4d15-8ba3-889429c28b48

Distribution provisioning profiles are meant to use for archieving and distributing it to Appstore. Not for running on a device. You need to use development provisioning profile for that purpose.

You can change your provisioning profile in build settings -> code signing identity or
General->Automatic code signing

Codesign issue for the Project

After spending the entire night, I finally got the fix.

Open the Keychain and check if any of the Certificates are having + symbol. Double click and set it to "Use System Defaults" rather than "Always Trust".

That's it.


The Keychain window as of now you see couple of items having a blue-plus, because they are set to "Always Trust". Change it to "System Defaults" by double clicking and editing its value, it will ask the keychain password for verfication.

Sample Image

Codesign returned errSecInternalComponent in High Sierra

I too got the same error from code signing. It seems to be mostly bcoz of keychain access. It is not just enough that keychain has to be in unlocked state as suggested in most of the post.

I did the following steps to resolve this.

  1. Let the Login (or wherever your code signing identity is present) Keychain be in Locked state. To do it open Keychain Access, right click the login keychain and select 'Lock Keychain "login"'.

  2. Execute the command line.

  3. Code Sign will prompt for keychain password (snapshot attached below). Enter the password.
  4. After this, command will succeed.

It seems command line needs the password to be given when it is prompted. Otherwise, the error keeps on coming even when the keychain is in unlocked state.

Hope it helps.

Code Sign prompting for keychain password

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