Xcode 4.3: Codesign Operation Failed (Check That the Identity You Selected Is Valid)

Getting Codesign operation failed when archiving for Mac App Store

I was able to fix the issue...

It was not related to certificates or provisioning. I fixed it by recreating my project and relinking in my resources. I am not exactly sure what specific issue was creating the issue but I originally had a "Resources" folder and removing that may of been what solved the issue.

Xcode 4.3.1 - Packaging operation failed

I get the same problem.

PNG files starting by ._ are not visible, even if you display hidden files in Finder (defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1 in Terminal)
But if I browse my SVN folder using Versions app, I can see there are PNG files starting by ._

For each of these files, I opened it with Preview app, duplicated and re-saved with the same name, then I removed all the ._ files because they are no longer needed.

Now I can create an archive and distribute it through an IPA file.

I hope this will help you!

Failing with valid code signing identity, Xcode

First, i suggest you go to preferences panel on Xcode under Accounts tab, click on 'View Details...' buttons under your account details, and click on the refresh button to make sure you have the most up to date profiles on your account.

Second, i see that under Code Signing in your project settings, the 'Release' settings has different profiles set there under 'Any iOS SDK'.

Xcode Codesign error: timestamps differ

Sometimes the profiles may get messed up. In those cases I download them again. And (using the Finder) activate them by opening the profiles.

Nothing really spectacular happen, occasionally you may see the profiles flashing or being updated in Xcode.

After that it normally works.

XCode 4.3.1 breaks validation of apps with directories added by reference. Any workaround?

I spent a day trying to isolate this bug, and I've finally nailed it.

The code signer in XCode 4.3.1 when validating for the App Store or saving for AdHoc distribution chokes whenever there is a subdirectory in your bundle that has the same name as its parent directory.

For example:

test/test/file.x -- FAIL
test/test2/file.x -- WORKS

This seems to be new in Xcode 4.3.1, and hopefully will be fixed soon.

UPDATE: I have heard back from Apple DTS support confirming the issue, and indicating that there is no known workaround yet other than renaming the directories in the bundle. ugh

Xcode 4.3.1 - Packaging operation failed

I get the same problem.

PNG files starting by ._ are not visible, even if you display hidden files in Finder (defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1 in Terminal)
But if I browse my SVN folder using Versions app, I can see there are PNG files starting by ._

For each of these files, I opened it with Preview app, duplicated and re-saved with the same name, then I removed all the ._ files because they are no longer needed.

Now I can create an archive and distribute it through an IPA file.

I hope this will help you!

Application failed codesign verification?

Your Build settings appears to have a DEVELOPER certificate for the RELEASE version.

In order, to validate and submit a binary you've to configure the release version to use a DISTRIBUTION certificate.

Create and download a Distribution certificate and import it (drag and drop to Xcode).

Configure the build/release for using the distribution certificate. If you don't see the new distribution certificate as an option for your build, check the AppleID used both for generate the certificate and for your Build settings. They must be the same, otherwise Xcode can't sign your app correctly.

This will solve your problem.

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