Xcode 10.2 with Swift 5.0 Compiler - Protocol Inheritance Issue

Xcode 10.2 with Swift 5.0 compiler - protocol inheritance issue

You may be running into https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-10257 in the Swift 5.0 compiler. This would happen if you have at least three files:

  1. BasicViewController.swift
  2. SomeOtherFile.swift
  3. ExampleViewController.swift

If SomeOtherFile.swift makes any calls to an AnyObject-typed value, you're compiling in wholemodule mode, and the files are passed to the compiler in the above order (with SomeOtherFile.swift in the middle of the two), then it seems that the compiler fails to properly infer @objc-ness for the implementation of func tableView(_:, didSelectRowAt:). You can work around it by explicitly tagging it with @objc for now.

collectionView didSelectItemAtIndexPath stopped working after migrated to Xcode 10.2

The delegate method was probably renamed. Check that you're implementing:

func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath)

Also double-check that you're still setting the controller as a delegate for the UICollectionView.

scrollViewDidScroll not getting called (I set the delegate!)

I was missing an !

private func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView!) {

Solved the issue.

Where does DLLImport look for unmanaged DLLs?

I think it is working like LoadLibrary.

Maybe Windows path searching in LoadLibrary with manifest will be helpfull.

Edit Dynamic-Link Library Search Order is probably what you want.

self.tableView.delegate = self Swift

do I still need to add self.tableView.delegate = self to the actual view controller?

No. You are doing this by making the connection in the storyboard. They are exactly the same thing: an assignment to the delegate property, expressed in two different ways (one in code, one "graphically" in Interface Builder). You only need to do one of them.

But if your view controller were a table view controller (UITableViewController subclass), then you would do neither, because the table view controller is already the table view's data source and delegate. The same is true for a collection view controller (UICollectionViewController subclass); it is already the collection view's data source and delegate.

react-native-maps iOS build issues when using use_frameworks! :linkage = :static

To be able to build the project with react-native-maps and use_frameworks as described in the question I had to fork the react-native-maps library and replace

Google-Maps-iOS-Utils with Google_Maps_iOS_Utils in header imports in


#import <Google_Maps_iOS_Utils/GMUKMLParser.h>
#import <Google_Maps_iOS_Utils/GMUPlacemark.h>
#import <Google_Maps_iOS_Utils/GMUPoint.h>
#import <Google_Maps_iOS_Utils/GMUGeometryRenderer.h>

and in lib/ios/AirGoogleMaps/AIRGoogleMapHeatmap.h:

#import <Google_Maps_iOS_Utils/GMUHeatmapTileLayer.h>

If anybody knows a better solution than this, I will be happy to accept it and if the answer is added in next few days I will grant it the bounty attached to the question.

I will probably keep the fork until react-native-maps is updated to have a newer version of google-maps-ios-utils(in v3 i think the issue is fixed).

"react-native-maps": "https://github.com/fdobre/react-native-maps#hot-fix-use-frameworks-ios",

Getting error No such module using Xcode, but the framework is there

I'm not sure why this happens, but one way to solve your issue is to go into your build settings and defining the Framework Search Paths to a folder which contains the frameworks in question. If the frameworks are placed in your project directory, simply set the framework search path to $(SRCROOT) and set it to recursive.

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