Symbolicating Iphone App Crash Reports

How to symbolicate crash log Xcode?

Ok I realised that you can do this:

  1. In Xcode > Window > Devices, select a connected iPhone/iPad/etc top left.
  2. View Device Logs
  3. All Logs

You probably have a lot of logs there, and to make it easier to find your imported log later, you could just go ahead and delete all logs at this point... unless they mean money to you. Or unless you know the exact point of time the crash happened - it should be written in the file anyway... I'm lazy so I just delete all old logs (this actually took a while).

  1. Just drag and drop your file into that list. It worked for me.

How to symbolicate crash logs sent from apple reviewers?

Firstly, my suggestions :-

1) You can use Crashlytics SDK to get your crash reports in detail, its a very good crash reporter and free also. you will get the stack trace and even crash line.

2) It is not compulsory to make the app for both iPhone and iPad. If you have made the app Universal, then also you can set the app target device to iPhone only. If the user run on iPad, it will run as iPhone only. You can change the settings on Project Navigator -> Target ->General Tab -> Deployment Info -> Devices.

For info about apple guideline 2.10: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution

For analyzing Crash report :-
Check out these links :-
1) Link 1
2) Link 2

Symbolicated iOS crash report from Apple review still not readable

Thanks for everyone! I finally resolved this problem by myself.

The reason is that I used a 3rd-party library named UMCCommon with version 1.5.3, and all of its symbols are obfuscated, so I can not understand.

Symbolicating iPhone App Crash Reports

Steps to analyze crash report from apple:

  1. Copy the release .app file which was pushed to the appstore, the .dSYM file that was created at the time of release and the crash report receive from APPLE into a FOLDER.

  2. OPEN terminal application and go to the folder created above (using cd command)

  3. Run atos -arch armv7 -o MEMORY_LOCATION_OF_CRASH. The memory location should be the one at which the app crashed as per the report.

Ex: atos -arch armv7 -o ''/'APPNAME' 0x0003b508

This would show you the exact line, method name which resulted in crash.

Ex: [classname functionName:]; -510

Symbolicating IPA

if we use IPA for symbolicating - just rename the extention .ipa with .zip , extract it then we can get a Payload Folder which contain app. In this case we don't need .dSYM file.


This can only work if the app binary does not have symbols stripped. By default release builds stripped the symbols. We can change it in project build settings "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" to NO.

More details see this post

Symbolicating Crash Report ios

Basically, to symbolicate libraries and framework's method, we need to have symbols for the iOS version for which crash was generated. These are (by default) present in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode\iOS DeviceSupport. So, if the symbol for correct iOS version is not present here - the symbolicator would not be able to properly decrypt the reports.

How to symbolicate crash log with Xcode 8?

Try using these steps:

1) create a new folder ,lets say "Universe" , to hold the stuff.

2) use the Go to Folder utility from Finder . Use the path /Applications/

Find "symbolicatecrash" file and you can manually copy and paste this file to your Universe folder

3) Place your crash and Archive of your app in your folder ( Archive will hold all the dysm files. Alternatively you can place all your dYsm files )

4) CD to your "Universe" folder directory . Now run this command

export DEVELOPER_DIR="/Applications/"

5)run the symbolicate command on your crash

./symbolicatecrash myCrash.crash > SymbolicatedM.crash

Voila!! you have your symbolicated crash log.

PS : The added advantage of this is that the above setup is a one time setup and is reusable .All that is required is just replace your crash file and dysm file , then just repeat step 5 each time you want a new crash symbolicated. Bye bye complicated commands!

Symbolicating iOS crash reports on Windows

this application may help you :

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