Swift: Determine iOS Screen Size

Swift: Determine iOS Screen size

In Swift 5.0

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds

Swift 4.0

// Screen width.
public var screenWidth: CGFloat {
return UIScreen.main.bounds.width

// Screen height.
public var screenHeight: CGFloat {
return UIScreen.main.bounds.height

In Swift 3.0

let screenSize = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

In older swift:

Do something like this:

let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds

then you can access the width and height like this:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width
let screenHeight = screenSize.height

if you want 75% of your screen's width you can go:

let screenWidth = screenSize.width * 0.75

How to get window size in swift (including iPad split screen)

I've found the answer

let screenSize : CGRect = self.view.frame

How to get the screen width and height in iOS?

How can one get the dimensions of the screen in iOS?

The problem with the code that you posted is that you're counting on the view size to match that of the screen, and as you've seen that's not always the case. If you need the screen size, you should look at the object that represents the screen itself, like this:

CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
CGFloat screenWidth = screenRect.size.width;
CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height;

Update for split view: In comments, Dmitry asked:

How can I get the size of the screen in the split view?

The code given above reports the size of the screen, even in split screen mode. When you use split screen mode, your app's window changes. If the code above doesn't give you the information you expect, then like the OP, you're looking at the wrong object. In this case, though, you should look at the window instead of the screen, like this:

CGRect windowRect = self.view.window.frame;
CGFloat windowWidth = windowRect.size.width;
CGFloat windowHeight = windowRect.size.height;

Swift 4.2

let screenRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenWidth = screenRect.size.width
let screenHeight = screenRect.size.height

// split screen
let windowRect = self.view.window?.frame
let windowWidth = windowRect?.size.width
let windowHeight = windowRect?.size.height

In Swift, how to determine the physical size of a device screen?

You may want to consider working with the frame property of the view of the current view controller.

self.view.frame.size.height and self.view.frame.size.width

You can make your other views proportional to those dimensions or based on their values, etc.

how to get the screen size until the bottom of the tabbar

For button origin use safe are insets, ıf device has notch safeAreaBottom will be like 44 , if not it will be 0:

let safeAreaBottom = UIApplication.shared.windows.first?.safeAreaInsets.bottom

Then use it :

newButtonFrame.origin.y = view.bounds.height - safeAreaBottom - 65 - 10

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