Swift 2.0 - Binary Operator "|" Cannot Be Applied to Two Uiusernotificationtype Operands

Swift 2.0 - Binary Operator | cannot be applied to two UIUserNotificationType operands

In Swift 2, many types that you would typically do this for have been updated to conform to the OptionSetType protocol. This allows for array like syntax for usage, and In your case, you can use the following.

let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [.Alert, .Badge], categories: nil)

And on a related note, if you want to check if an option set contains a specific option, you no longer need to use bitwise AND and a nil check. You can simply ask the option set if it contains a specific value in the same way that you would check if an array contained a value.

let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(forTypes: [.Alert, .Badge], categories: nil)

if settings.types.contains(.Alert) {
// stuff

In Swift 3, the samples must be written as follows:

let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.alert, .badge], categories: nil)


let settings = UIUserNotificationSettings(types: [.alert, .badge], categories: nil)

if settings.types.contains(.alert) {
// stuff

Binary operator '~=' cannot be applied to two 'OptionalError' operands

Here, the word error actually refers to the parameter error, rather than a new variable:

case .ExportError(error):

So you are essentially saying:

// code for illustration purposes only, not supposed to work
(error as? ClassError) == .some(.ExportError(error))

Note that the two occurrences of error refers to the same thing. That's probably not what you meant, but the compiler thinks that is what you meant, and tries to pattern match the associated value of ExportError against error using the ~= operator, as error here is considered an expression pattern

However, both operands are of type Optional<Error>. The ~= operator on Optional<Wrapped> requires that Wrapped conforms to Equatable, but Error does not conform to Equatable as it is a protocol. Hence the error message.

You probably meant to introduce a new identifier, so you should use a binding pattern, rather than just an expression pattern.

case .ExportError(let exportError):
print("Error :", exportError)

getting error: Binary operator '==' cannot be applied to two 'x' operands, how to remove certain number of elements in this array of objects

== is defined on Equatable, which your Cards type is not. You either need to make Cards conform to equatable, and decide which of your properties counts towards "equal" (The same type? the same income? both? What about the images?), or compare directly on the properties you do care about.

Error comparision - Binary operator == cannot be applied two Error operands

You need to cast the Swift.Error to your custom ServiceError. The common approach is to use a switch:

enum ServiceError: Error {
case serverDown, userNotExist

let error: Error? = ServiceError.serverDown as Error

switch error as? ServiceError {
case .serverDown: print("Server is down") // "Server is down\n"
case .userNotExist: print("User not found")
case .none: print("error:", error ?? "nil")

Note: It is Swift naming convention to name your enumeration cases starting with a lowercase letter.

Swift - Binary Operator == cannot be applied to two [[Double]] operands

In this case there is nothing misleading.

Normally the == operator is defined for Equatable items. That allows two Double values to be compared to each other, e.g. 1.0 == 1.0.

Then we have a specific == operator defined on Arrays of Equatable items:

public func ==<Element : Equatable>(lhs: [Element], rhs: [Element]) -> Bool

That means that you can compare any arrays with equatable items. However, the arrays themselves are not Equatable.

There is no such operator defined for nested arrays.

You would have to define:

public func ==<Element : Equatable>(lhs: [[Element]], rhs: [[Element]]) -> Bool {

Swift: binary operator '' cannot be applied to two 'Comparable' operands

The < operator applies to two values of a single type that conforms to Comparable — not to two things designated merely as Comparable. A protocol does not conform to itself.

The use of any with MyElement doesn't affect this basic fact about the Comparable-constrained generic placeholder T. Since MyElement is generic over T, we would have to know that the two different MyElement-conforming objects you propose to sort resolve their T to the same type as one another — and in the code you wrote, we don't know that, so the compiler balks.

binary operator ' ' cannot be applied two T operands

You need to tell Swift that T conforms to Comparable protocol in order for it to allow using operator < on objects of type T:

func maxNumer<T : Comparable>(array:[T]) -> T {
// ^^^^^^^^^^
var maxNumer = array[0]
for var i = 0; i < array.count-1; i++ {
if maxNumer < array[i+1] { //This line gets error as title
maxNumer = array[i+1]
return maxNumer

Binary operator '' cannot be applied to two 'T' operands

As Tomasz Wójcik already said, the left shift
operator is in Swift 3 only defined for concrete integer types,
but not for the UnsignedInteger protocol.

A possible workaround
is to replace the left shift by a repeated multiplication:

func doubleHexMask<T: UnsignedInteger>(offset: Int) -> T {
var mask: T = 0xFF
for _ in 0..<offset {
mask = mask &* 16
return mask

This also makes the forced cast as! T unnecessary. The
"overflow operator &*" is used
here so that bits moved beyond the bounds of the integer’s storage are discarded, corresponding to what the left shift operator does.

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