Storyboard Is Not Showing Custom Color Hex Code in Xcode 12.0.1

How to add custom color in Xcode storyboard color picker?

Create a new palette by clicking "New" here:
enter image description here

A new palette "Unnamed" will be created. You can rename that palette by clicking the cog again and choosing "Rename..." Then, you'll need to click on the objects you want to capture the color of, and drag the color of those objects into the color chip area:

enter image description here

Once you've captured the color, you can even rename it something that indicates where it's normally used, providing more information to the recipient than just the color.


Color in storyboard not matching UIColor

Xcode 8+, iOS 10+

I recently faced this problem and none of the posted answers did it. It turns out that with the release of iOS 10 SDK, the UIColor initializer init(red:green:blue:alpha:) now uses the extended sRGB range, so you have to set accordingly when configuring your color values on the Storyboard.

enter image description here

See Apple's documentation:

How to set Hex color code in xib in iOS

Select Color Picker From Xib , then choose the RGB Slider from second option Color Slider , now you can Enter HEX color (Below RGB Slider) Codes or Select RGB Values from Sliders.

enter image description here

Hex color programmatically in swift differs with main storyboard

User DeviceRGB to get exact same color while giving color using storyboard


Added simulator screen shot here.


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