Shift Elements in Array by Index

Shift elements in array by index

You can use ranged subscripting and concatenate the results. This will give you what you're looking for, with names similar to the standard library:

extension Array {
func shiftRight(var amount: Int = 1) -> [Element] {
guard count > 0 else { return self }
assert(-count...count ~= amount, "Shift amount out of bounds")
if amount < 0 { amount += count } // this needs to be >= 0
return Array(self[amount ..< count] + self[0 ..< amount])

mutating func shiftRightInPlace(amount: Int = 1) {
self = shiftRight(amount)

// [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1]
// [8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Instead of subscripting, you could also return Array(suffix(count - amount) + prefix(amount)) from shiftRight().

Shifting array element by indexes

You could simply splice the array for adding an object at the wanted index.

var a = { index: 0, value: 'a' },    b = { index: 0, value: 'b' },    c = { index: 2, value: 'c' },    d = { index: 2, value: 'd' },    e = { index: 1, value: 'e' },    array = [];
function add(array, object) { array.splice(object.index, 0, object);}
add(array, a);add(array, b);add(array, c);add(array, d);add(array, e);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

Change elements positions in an array and shift elements in between

You can use Array.prototype.splice to cut out the element you want and insert at the desired index (the shifting will happen automatically):

function insertAndShift(arr, from, to) {    let cutOut = arr.splice(from, 1) [0]; // cut the element at index 'from'    arr.splice(to, 0, cutOut);            // insert it at index 'to'}

let data = [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ];
insertAndShift(data, 0, 3);console.log("[" + data + "]");
insertAndShift(data, 3, 0);console.log("[" + data + "]");

Shift the position of an element in an array

You need to cover the edge cases when the updated index is less than 0 OR greater than the array length. You can try following

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
function move(array, index, offset) { const output = [...array]; const element = output.splice(index, 1)[0]; let updatedIndex = index + offset; if(updatedIndex < 0) updatedIndex++; else if (updatedIndex >= array.length) updatedIndex -= array.length; output.splice(updatedIndex, 0, element); return output;}
console.log(move(numbers, 3, -5));

How to shift array list elements to the right with some index at fixed position in java

Here's my simple solution making use of the existing ArrayList class, though it might be best if you define your own implementation to meet your needs. Note that you may need to override more methods if you want to be sure they adhere to the rules you define:

public static class FixableArrayList extends ArrayList {

// ascending and descending views of the fixed indices
private final SortedSet fixedAsc;
private final SortedSet fixedDec;

public FixableArrayList() {
TreeSet treeSet = new TreeSet<>();
fixedAsc = treeSet;
fixedDec = treeSet.descendingSet();

public boolean addFixedIndex(int ind) { return fixedAsc.add(ind); }
public boolean removeFixedIndex(int ind) { return fixedAsc.remove(ind); }

public void move(int fromInd, int toInd) {
if (fromInd == toInd) {
if (fixedAsc.contains(fromInd)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot remove from fixed index: " + fromInd);
if (fixedAsc.contains(toInd)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add to fixed index: " + toInd);

super.add(toInd, super.remove(fromInd));

if (toInd < fromInd) {
// all between `from` and `to` shifted up, swap fixed indices down back into position
// iterate from low (toInd) to high (fromInd)
for (int i : fixedAsc.subSet(toInd, fromInd)) {
super.add(i, super.remove(i + 1));
} else {
// all between `from` and `to` shifted down, swap fixed indices up back into position
// iterate from high (toInd) to low (fromInd)
for (int i : fixedDec.subSet(toInd, fromInd)) {
super.add(i, super.remove(i - 1));

public static void main(String[] args) {
FixableArrayList values = new FixableArrayList<>();
values.addAll(Arrays.asList(10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100));

// set the indices that you want to remain fixed


values.move(0, 8);

values.move(8, 0);

How do I shift elements in an array to the left by 1 if there is a zero?

The main thing your algorithm/procedure should focus on is this:

If the value in an index is zero and it isn't the last index, perform two operations:

  1. Move the value of the index to the right
  2. Move the number previously at the right to the left.

The steps above are very important. I see that you've neglected step 2 in your question.

Here's how I'd handle it:

    public int[] shiftArray(int[] arr){ 

for(int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i ++) {
if((arr[i] == 0) && (i != (arr.length - 1))){
int prev = arr[i];
int next = arr[i + 1];
arr[i] = next;
arr[i + 1] = prev;
return arr;

I hope this helps.. Merry coding!

How to shift all the items in an array to the right(by 1) using method map?

You could subtract one from the index and add the lenght to prevent negative values, get the reaminder with the length and take it as index for the element for mapping.

function shift(arr) {    return, i, a) => a[(i + a.length - 1) % a.length]);}
const b = [{ value: "" }, 8, "left"];

Java, Shifting Elements in an Array

Assuming your array is {10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}

What your loop does is:

Iteration 1: array[1] = array[0]; {10,10,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}

Iteration 2: array[2] = array[1]; {10,10,10,40,50,60,70,80,90,100}

What you should be doing is

Object temp = pool[position];

for (int i = (position - 1); i >= 0; i--) {
array[i+1] = array[i];

array[0] = temp;

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