iOS - How to Make the Uiscrolling Indicator Height Same for Any Number of Data

How do I auto size a UIScrollView to fit its content

The best method I've ever come across to update the content size of a UIScrollView based on its contained subviews:


CGRect contentRect = CGRectZero;

for (UIView *view in self.scrollView.subviews) {
contentRect = CGRectUnion(contentRect, view.frame);
self.scrollView.contentSize = contentRect.size;


let contentRect: CGRect = scrollView.subviews.reduce(into: .zero) { rect, view in
rect = rect.union(view.frame)
scrollView.contentSize = contentRect.size

Centering a view on the screen when using a UIScrollView with dynamic height

You could just add the UIActivityIndicator on self.view. (The view maintained by the UIViewController in which you want to show the activity indicator)

iOS Swift: UIScrollView show scrollbar if needed (content height exceeds visible height)

This property:

.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = true

only controls the visibility of a scroll indicator while the user is scrolling.

By default, if your content is not "tall enough" to need to scroll, the scroll indicators are never shown.

If your content IS "tall enough" to need to scroll (height is greater than the scroll view's frame height), the scroll indicators are shown while scrolling.

There is no way to have them "always showing."

If you want to indicate to the user that there is more content to be seen by scrolling, you could add something like "arrows" that you show / hide as appropriate, or, you can call `self.myScrollView.flashScrollIndicators() to "flash" the scroll indicators.

Setting content size of UIScrollView to its frame width when UIScrollView is located in a Custom UITableViewCell

I came up with a solution that works. Instead of setting the contentSize based on the frame's width, I set it based on the window's width and the distance on either side from the scrollview frame to the window's bounds. This solution allows the code to be placed in the awakeFromNib() method of the CustomTableViewCell class.

self.playersScrollView.contentSize.width = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.width - (self.playersScrollView.frame.minX * 4)

The only thing I don't understand is why I had to multiply the distance between the window bounds and the scrollview's frame by 4 rather than 2. I have the same width on both sides of the scrollview, but multiplying by 2 gave incorrect values, while multiplying by 4 gave correct values on all screen sizes.

UITextView change height instead of scroll

It is very simply done like this:

CGRect frame = textView.frame;

frame.size = textView.contentSize;

textView.frame = frame;

This should set the height of the textview to appropriately fit all of its content.

ios Changing UIScrollView scrollbar color to different colors

Unfortunately you can't, of course you can always roll your own. These are your options:


The default style of scroll indicator, which is black with a white border. This style is good against any content background.


A style of indicator which is black and smaller than the default style. This style is good against a white content background.


A style of indicator is white and smaller than the default style. This style is good against a black content background.

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