iOS 9 Facebook Login Simulator -Canopenurl: Failed for Url: "Fbauth2:///" - Error: "(Null)"

FBSDK Login Error Code: 308 in Objective-C

One solution, at least for me, is to not run on device via the Xcode debugger. If I run the app on device outside the debugger the Facebook login works fine. If I run the app in the sim via the debugger the Facebook login works fine.

Only if I run the app on device via the Xcode debugger do I get the com.facebook.sdk.login error 308 every time.

Unable to run the Simulator The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)

From the screenshot, it's clear that your Info.plist is missing a CFBundleVersion ("Bundle Version") key. If that key is missing, it can cause this problem.

Xamarin facebook sdk for iOS causing app crash

I've found the solution to this issue. The issue is with info.plist. With sdk 4.6.0 and above the requirements in info.plist LSApplicationQueriesSchemes tag is only:



I was adding the requirements as per older version of sdk and that was causing the issue. I was following xamarin's official recipe for this which still has older code. Hope it helps someone who runs into similar issue.

Facebook Login implementation failing for React Native App

Open your project in xcode and create an empty .swift file in your project Sample Image

click next and your project will build

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