How to Update a Localized Storyboard's Strings

How To Refresh Content Of Localization Strings Of Storyboard

Yes. This is one of the million limitations of Xcode. I generally only do this localization as the last thing I do for an application.

As you add new elements, Xcode will not add these new elements to the localization file. You have to do it manually.

Use localized strings in storyboard

According to your requirement it's not possible but

You don't need different storyboards for localization

Suppose you want to localize a label string.

  1. Draw and outlet and change text using

mylabel.text = nsLocalizedString("THIS_IS_MY_STRING",nil);

Of course in your localization file there will be a line.You must have different files for different language.Suppose you have a file for english and there must be a line.

"THIS_IS_MY_STRING" = "This is my string";

When you compile your app, that function will use mapping to localize your app.


If you want detail information please have a look at these tutorials

and ios-localization-tutorial

There are some online script(e.g which will help you to automatically search all of your code and find out nslocalizedString function and make lines in your localizableString files. like this.


and later on you just have to write actual string there. :)

Swift: Localization in Storyboard - Labels not added to Main.strings?

After selecting UILabel from storyboard, You can find object id of UILabel in right panel:

Sample Image

Then you can set text of label as below in your Main.string file:

"sxl-NO-5WX.text" = "Phone";

How to change localisation from storyboard to strings file

Turns out, you need to use the Base Localization feature, the dropdown then appears and you can convert existing storyboards to *.strings files.

Sample Image

storyboard localization in swift 4.0


I have used this library for in - app localisation. Which is very easy to use.

Now For Storyboard support I have Created Following extension that is IBDesignable So you can easily provide localised text from storyboard itself

1 ) Add This into new swift file

import Localize_Swift

@IBDesignable class LocalizableLabel: UILabel {

@IBInspectable var table :String? // Table
@IBInspectable var key:String? // KEY

@IBInspectable var extraTextToAppend:String? // Some text need to append , if any

override func awakeFromNib() {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.text = key.localized(using: table)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(setText), name: NSNotification.Name(LCLLanguageChangeNotification), object: nil)

if let extraText = self.extraTextToAppend, let text = self.text {
self.text = text + extraText


@objc func setText () {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.text = key.localized(using: table)

if let extraText = self.extraTextToAppend, let text = self.text {
self.text = text + extraText



@IBDesignable class LocalizableButton: UIButton {

@IBInspectable var table :String?
@IBInspectable var key:String?

override func awakeFromNib() {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.setTitle(key.localized(using: table), for: .normal)

if let attributedText = self.attributedTitle(for: .normal) {
let mutableAttributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
mutableAttributedText.replaceCharacters(in: NSMakeRange(0, mutableAttributedText.length), with: key.localized(using: table))
self.setAttributedTitle(mutableAttributedText, for: .normal)

NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(setText), name: NSNotification.Name(LCLLanguageChangeNotification), object: nil)


@objc func setText () {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.setTitle(key.localized(using: table), for: .normal)

if let attributedText = self.attributedTitle(for: .normal) {
let mutableAttributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: attributedText)
mutableAttributedText.replaceCharacters(in: NSMakeRange(0, mutableAttributedText.length), with: key.localized(using: table))
self.setAttributedTitle(mutableAttributedText, for: .normal)



@IBDesignable class LocalizeUINavigationItem: UINavigationItem {

@IBInspectable var table :String?
@IBInspectable var key:String?

override func awakeFromNib() {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.title = key.localized(using: table)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(setText), name: NSNotification.Name(LCLLanguageChangeNotification), object: nil)


@objc func setText () {
guard let key = key else {return}
self.title = key.localized(using: table)



@IBDesignable class LocalizableUITextField: UITextField {

@IBInspectable var table_placeholder :String?
@IBInspectable var key_place_holder:String?

override func awakeFromNib() {
guard let key = key_place_holder else {return}
self.placeholder = key.localized(using: table_placeholder)
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(setText), name: NSNotification.Name(LCLLanguageChangeNotification), object: nil)


@objc func setText () {
guard let key = key_place_holder else {return}
self.placeholder = key.localized(using: table_placeholder)



2) Goto Storyboard set class to label and provide the key

Sample Image

3) Run and test

iOS is there a way to assign Localized String to a UILable from IB/storyboard

Just select your storyboard/xib, go to File Inspector. In the Localization part, you can tick the language you want. Then, it will create a .string file with all text used in storyboard. You'll just have to provide a translation for each text used in storyboard.

If no language appear in this part, you have to change values of Localization native development region in Info of your project.

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