How to Get the Indexpath.Row When an Element Is Activated

How to get the indexpath.row when an element is activated?

giorashc almost had it with his answer, but he overlooked the fact that cell's have an extra contentView layer. Thus, we have to go one layer deeper:

guard let cell = sender.superview?.superview as? YourCellClassHere else {
return // or fatalError() or whatever

let indexPath = itemTable.indexPath(for: cell)

This is because within the view hierarchy a tableView has cells as subviews which subsequently have their own 'content views' this is why you must get the superview of this content view to get the cell itself. As a result of this, if your button is contained in a subview rather than directly into the cell's content view, you'll have to go however many layers deeper to access it.

The above is one such approach, but not necessarily the best approach. Whilst it is functional, it assumes details about a UITableViewCell that Apple have never necessarily documented, such as it's view hierarchy. This could be changed in the future, and the above code may well behave unpredictably as a result.

As a result of the above, for longevity and reliability reasons, I recommend adopting another approach. There are many alternatives listed in this thread, and I encourage you to read down, but my personal favourite is as follows:

Hold a property of a closure on your cell class, have the button's action method invoke this.

class MyCell: UITableViewCell {
var button: UIButton!

var buttonAction: ((Any) -> Void)?

@objc func buttonPressed(sender: Any) {

Then, when you create your cell in cellForRowAtIndexPath, you can assign a value to your closure.

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("Cell") as! MyCell
cell.buttonAction = { sender in
// Do whatever you want from your button here.
// OR
cell.buttonAction = buttonPressed(closure: buttonAction, indexPath: indexPath) // <- Method on the view controller to handle button presses.

By moving your handler code here, you can take advantage of the already present indexPath argument. This is a much safer approach that the one listed above as it doesn't rely on undocumented traits.

How to get indexPath when image inside cell tapped

1: set tag of ImageView in cellForRowAtIndexpath method , tag will be equal to indexPath.row

imgView.tag = indexPath.row

2: add a target to tapGuestureRecognizer attached on imageView

3: get tag of imageView in that method

let imgView = sender as! UIImageView
let tag = imgView.tag

4: get data accordingly ,and push

let next = self.storyBoard.instatiateViewController(WithIdentifer:"detailVC") = datas[tag]

Swift: I want to know what is the index path row of the button that i clicked?

Doing sender.superview!.superview?.superview as! UITableView is very dangerous. In the transition between iOS6 and iOS7, an extra layer was actually introduced and that kind of call failed.

Rather just have a property rowIndex in cell, which you set in your cellForRowAtIndexPath. For Example:

class SizeAndQuantityCellView:UITableViewCell
var rowIndex: Int = 0

In your TableViewController

func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "myTableViewCell", for: indexPath) as! SizeAndQuantityCellView
cell.rowIndex = indexPath.row
return cell

From your code, it is not clear where quantity4x4[cellRow], for example, fits in but it seems to me that a Delegation Pattern might also be handy. I.o.w. Create a delegate protocol for SizeAndQuantityCellView and let your ViewController be the delegate of SizeAndQuantityCellView. When the buttons is tapped, fire an event to the delegate. That way your ViewController can handle the logic upon the pressing of the buttons.

How to get the indexpath.row when a UIImageView in a cell is tapped?

this might help you,

add an UITapGestureRecognizer to UIImageView
You can store indexpath.row in tag property of UIImageView and access that tag on UITapGestureRecognizer event

for example (Objective-C) :

    UITapGestureRecognizer *tap = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handleImageTap:)];
tap.cancelsTouchesInView = YES;
tap.numberOfTapsRequired = 1;
[cell.imageView addGestureRecognizer:tap];

cell.imageView.tag = indexPath.row;

and get indexpath.row

-(void)handleImageTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)gestureRecognizer{
UIView* view = gestureRecognizer.view;
CGPoint loc = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:view];
NSInteger indexpath = [view hitTest:loc withEvent:nil].tag;

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