How to Get Notified in Contact Changed Event in iOS

How to get notified in contact changed event in IOS?

In iOS it could be done using -

Register the external change call back notifier-

ABAddressBookRef ntificationaddressbook = ABAddressBookCreate();
ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback(ntificationaddressbook, MyAddressBookExternalChangeCallback, self);

Implement the call back -

void MyAddressBookExternalChangeCallback (ABAddressBookRef ntificationaddressbook,CFDictionaryRef info,void *context)
// called when there is any change in AddressBook

For more details you can refer this link-

Detect what was changed from ABAddressBookRegisterExternalChangeCallback

How do I know that the contacts have been modified, if the application was not active on iOS?

I made the following functions for my task

  @objc private func matchingContacts() {
if isSuccessContactUploading {
contactManager.matchingContacts(notMatch: { [weak self] in
guard let _self = self else { return }
debugPrint("matchingContacts != equals")
_self.isSuccessContactUploading = false

These functions are in ContactManager

   func matchingContacts(notMatch: (() -> Void)?) {
getContacts { (contacts, error) in
if error == nil {
debugPrint("contacts count", contacts.count)
self.getContactsDictionaryFromCache(contacts, notMatch: {

private func getContactsDictionaryFromCache(_ contacts: [CNContact], notMatch: (() -> Void)?) {
var isMatching = true
for contact in contacts {
let key = contact.identifier

do {
let cache = try Cache<NSDictionary>(name: "Contacts")
if let contactDictionary = cache[key] {
if !contactDictionary.isEqual(to: contact.dictionary) {
debugPrint("contactDictionary not matching")
isMatching = false
} else {
debugPrint("contactDictionary isn't here")
isMatching = false
} catch {
isMatching = false

if !isMatching {


private func cacheContacts(_ contacts: [CNContact]) {
for contact in contacts {
let contactDictionary = contact.dictionary as NSDictionary
let key = contact.identifier

do {
let cache = try Cache<NSDictionary>(name: "Contacts")
cache[key] = contactDictionary
} catch {

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