How to Get a Transparent Background in My iOS App So I Can See the Home Screen Wallpaper

How can an iOS 7 App make itself transparent to see a user's home screen image?

I haven't tried it myself, but I hear that the private method [[UIApplication sharedApplication] _setApplicationIsOpaque: NO] may do what you're after.

How can I get a transparent background in my iOS app so I can see the Home Screen wallpaper?

Apple has removed the ability to use this api in 7.0.3. What a shame.

You certainly can in iOS7, at least as of a few days ago. In our app once you set the following it makes your background transparent and shows the user wallpaper. If you try to programmatically take a screenshot, it will just show black instead.

  1. Set UIApplicationIsOpaque to false in the project plist

  2. In the app delegate load function:

    self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];

    self.window.opaque = NO;

  3. Set the UIViewController.view's background color to [UIColor clearColor]

iOS10 - transparent app background

This is one of those goodies that Apple reserves for themselves, unfortunately.

Because your app is sandboxed (can't see inside other apps), you're only allowed to use what iOS will allow you to use. When your app is loaded, the app is then what's shown on the iOS stack, independent of the home screen, and Apple doesn't make the home screen available to you.

You'll notice when you load the app that the animation shows the app maximizing over the home screen. Unfortunately, that's a bit of a visual trick, as the home screen isn't necessarily left laying there in memory.

How can I make the UIView transparent with wallpaper

This used to work, but it was never documented, and apparently has been removed from more recent versions of iOS. You can use UIVisualEffectView to blur things in your own app, but you can’t make your app transparent so that you can see the device wallpaper. If you think Apple should add this feature for developers, you should file a bug.

How to make app background transparent like notification in swift

No I don't think it's possible.
Here is a link to an answer that suggests a private method that allowed the functionality in iOS7.

The comments note that the private method stopped working from iOS 8.2

I imagine Apple didn't like the idea of Apps being able to either

  • Fake the home screen whilst still inside an app (users might get confused and enter bank details into a fake banking app)
  • Allow apps to capture a user's background

It's a shame because it could add to some nice effects like those used in iBooks and the iOS dialler.

iOS 7 - Display user wallpaper as UIWindow background

This is no longer available. Too bad, because it allowed a sweet native looking effect

there are a few things you need to do to show the user wallpaper

1 - set UIApplicationIsOpaque to false in the project plist

2 - In the app delegate load function

self.window.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
self.window.opaque = NO;

3 - set the UIViewController.view background color to [UIColor clearColor]

This works for us currently. If you try to do a screen capture or actually use the wallpaper it just returns solid black (so privacy concerns don't apply since you can't do anything with the wallpaper).

iOS app icon with transparent background showing black background on device

From the apple developer website after a quick search:

Avoid transparency. An app icon should be opaque. If the icon’s boundaries are smaller than the recommended sizes—or you use transparency to create “see-through” areas—the resulting icon can appear to float on a black background, which tends to look especially unattractive on the beautiful wallpapers that users choose.

Edit: Also, check the related questions before you confirm your post - Is is possible to use transparency in an iPhone app icon?

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