How to Exclude Notes and Reminders Apps from the Uiactivityviewcontroller

How to exclude Notes and Reminders apps from the UIActivityViewController?

There is a way, but involves private API.

Sometimes Apple makes exceptions, especially if you fix a bug.

Let's dive into details...

UIActivityViewController has got a private method called "_availableActivitiesForItems:", which returns an array of UISocialActivity objects.

UISocialActivity has got an interesting property, called "activityType", which returns a domain-formatted activity type.

After some tests, I managed to discover the Reminder and Notes activity types:


Unfortunately, passing those two types into ".excludedActivityTypes" didn't make any difference.

"_availableActivitiesForItems:" to the rescue!


Update: I've found a better way to do it.

The first solution I've posted doesn't work in some cases, thus shouldn't be considered stable.



@interface UISocialActivity : NSObject

- (id)activityType;


@interface UIActivityViewController (Private)

- (id)_availableActivitiesForItems:(id)arg1;


@interface ActivityViewController : UIActivityViewController



@implementation ActivityViewController

- (id)_availableActivitiesForItems:(id)arg1
id activities = [super _availableActivitiesForItems:arg1];
NSMutableArray *filteredActivities = [NSMutableArray array];

[activities enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(UISocialActivity* _Nonnull obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {

if (![[obj activityType] isEqualToString:@""] &&
![[obj activityType] isEqualToString:@""]) {
[filteredActivities addObject:obj];


return [NSArray arrayWithArray:filteredActivities];



@interface UIActivityViewController (Private)

- (BOOL)_shouldExcludeActivityType:(UIActivity*)activity;


@interface ActivityViewController : UIActivityViewController



@implementation ActivityViewController

- (BOOL)_shouldExcludeActivityType:(UIActivity *)activity
if ([[activity activityType] isEqualToString:@""] ||
[[activity activityType] isEqualToString:@""]) {
return YES;
return [super _shouldExcludeActivityType:activity];


"Illegal", but it works.

It would be great to know if it actually passes Apple validation.

Excluding UIActivities from UIActivityViewController

You cannot exclude apps from UIActivityViewController, because these apps were declared that they can open and handle .csv file types (via Document types in Info.plist).

If you don't want to show these apps, you can share file directly to the destination. For example for email you can use MFMailComposeViewController .

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