How to Enable Native Resolution For Apps on Iphone 6 and 6 Plus

How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?

You can add a launch screen file that appears to work for multiple screen sizes. I just added the MainStoryboard as a launch screen file and that stopped the app from scaling. I think I will need to add a permanent launch screen later, but that got the native resolution up and working quickly. In Xcode, go to your target, general and add the launch screen file there.

Launch Screen File

Use iPhone 6/6s/7 Plus' Native Resolution

glkView.contentScaleFactor = UIScreen.main.nativeScale

See the answers to this question for more information.

Disable native resolution ONLY for iPhone 6 Plus

There is not. You can only support 6 and 6 Plus together or none of them. As soon as you use the Launch Screen File Xcode assumes you want to support them.

What is the target resolution for iPhone 6 Plus apps?

Apple's guideline for all devices is to stop hard coding screen sizes and use Autolayout. If yo are targeting the iPhone 6/6+ you can assume iOS8 and Xcode 6 which makes Autolayout much easier.

It you really want to work to a specific screen resolution, you should use 1242×2208 which is downscaled to 1080x1920 in hardware.

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