How to Detect User Uninstalled iOS App? I Need Push Serious Notification. I Don't Wanna Lose It

How to detect user uninstalled iOS App? I need push serious notification. I don't wanna lose it

APNS has a feedback service where Apple reports any device token that is no longer active on the users device. You are required by Apple to check the tokens from the feedback service and stop sending pushes to those devices.

You can use this same information to automatically move the user back to SMS. Just tie the device token to the phone number in your database. If the token is active, send pushes to it. If it is reported by the feedback service to be in-active, remove it from your records and use the users phone number for SMS again.

Just remember that a device token can become active again, at which point, it will be registered with you through the same mechanism it was the first time. Re-save it with the user and use push again.

When App deletes (uninstall) getting a mail iOS

Basically, As you know there is no event is fired when App is deleted from the iPhone.

But you can do your tasks when the app installs so basically you can check application by sending the silent push notification.

Apple server will inform you when you try to push to an uninstalled instance the notification response at the sender side will come 410 means, user, no longer activate.


If you do not get the proper response from application side that means your application is uninstalled and you can send the mail.

Helpful links:

Call status change web-service when my App is deleted

Firebase How can I log user out automatically when the app is uninstall

Ideally, there would be a delegate method called before the app is deleted, but currently there is not, as there is no way to track an app that is not running. You could run .unauth() in the applicationWillTerminate in the App Delegate file, but that would log the user out every time the app is killed.

Why do you need to log out the user? There are a few options to simulate this.

Detect Huawei app is uninstalled from phone

One gets posted a receipt state with value 2, when the app isn't installed anymore.

If the app does not exist after the message is successfully sent to the device, the app has been uninstalled.

My ReceiptStatus.php would feature these values, but not yet implemented.

Detect uninstall event in phonegap app

AFAIK, you cannot know when your app is uninstalled.

For your android app, observe the response GCM returns when you send a notification. If it sends a NotRegistered message, you can remove that id from your server. Read how unregistration works

For iOS : read this Question and its answer on SO

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