How to Build Dlib for iOS

how to build DLIB for iOS

I finally figured out how to do this:


  • X11 (on a mac you can just open the X11 app and if X11 isn't installed it'll take you to the download).
  • Xcode
  • cmake (you can use home-brew for that)


  • In terminal make the lib-xx.xx/examples your root
  • Run:

    mkdir build

    cd build

    cmake -G Xcode ..

    cmake --build . --config Release

This will create a folder called dlib_build in which you can find an Xcode project that compiles the library. In the build settings of that Xcode project you can set the build architecture and SDK for any Xcode supported OS you like!


You have to include a lot of custom compiler flags and 3rd party libraries to get dlib to work in a project. Check out the examples.xcproject build settings.

Adding Dlib to my Xcode project but no .h files are found

I found the issue and it was just a case of me not reading the article properly. I had added a Library Search Path but not a Header Search Path. Dlib seems to be working properly now with Xcode and I can include the .h files.

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