The Best Way to Parse a JSON in Dart

Flutter - The best way to parse a JSON

Compare this with things like quicktype: (1) If you do not have a model class, then try to use things like quicktype to get that class from a sample json string. (2) However, I suggest not to use the toJson and fromJson given by quicktype. The reason is that, when your model changes (say add a field / change a field), you must also change your toJson/fromJson accordingly (which is time-consuming and error-prone). Otherwise you get a bug.

If you already have your model class and only need the toJson and fromJson methods: Then the very famous json_serializable package suits you. It will happily generate the toJson and fromJson.

For example, say you have

class Person {
final String firstName;
final String lastName;
final DateTime dateOfBirth;

Then with a bit of boilerplate code, it will auto give you

Person _$PersonFromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Person(
firstName: json['firstName'] as String,
lastName: json['lastName'] as String,
dateOfBirth: DateTime.parse(json['dateOfBirth'] as String),

Map<String, dynamic> _$PersonToJson(Person instance) => <String, dynamic>{
'firstName': instance.firstName,
'lastName': instance.lastName,
'dateOfBirth': instance.dateOfBirth.toIso8601String(),

Actually that package is more powerful than that. Check out the link for more details.

How to parse any json file in Dart?

Using the dart_convert library you can parse a json string to a map using Map<String, dynamic> yourMap = jsonDecode(jsonString);

Parsing JSON in Dart

The documentation is correct.

//if JSON is an array (starts with '[' )

List<Map> x = JSON.decode(responseText);

//if JSON is not an array (starts with '{' )

Map z = JSON.decode(responseText);

Flutter how to parse JSON data

First thing the response from API is not a json list, its a simple json object.
If you wanna iterate over the keys of the above object you can create a list with all the keys and then use key index to get the actual key name in the response.

final List<String> keys = ["alm","co2","hu","temp","th","tm","ts"];

then you can modify your body widget like following -

body: new ListView.builder(
itemCount: data == null ? 0 : data.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return new ListTile(
leading: const Icon(Icons.stay_primary_portrait),
title: Text(data.length.toString()),
subtitle: Text(data[keys[index]]),
trailing: Icon(Icons.more_vert),
dense: true,
isThreeLine: true,

Hope this helps!

How to parse complex JSON using default methods in Flutter?

To work with JSON objects that have deep/multiple levels/recursive dot notation, then you can use a fantastic Dart package: g_json. I find it super easy and simple!

It doesn't use generated code as on Flutter recommended packages for JSON and these are complicated. Dart & Flutter teams have to improve.

I use a complex JSON object and your example and I show you how I access the data (you have to clean your JSON string, maybe your example is copied from a place that add extra double quotes " " on brackets).

Now, look at my code:

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:g_json/g_json.dart';

void main() {
String jsonSimple = '{"a":"1"}';

// Get value from only one level JSON object.
final Map<String, dynamic> resultSimple = json.decode(jsonSimple);

// Your example with some cleaning.
String jsonExample = jsonEncode({
"a": {"b": 7}
var resultDeep = JSON.parse(jsonExample);

// Deep JSON object
// This is a real JSON data from<your_api_key>. You can try it on your browser, put it on the url and press `ENTER`.
String jsonWeather = jsonEncode({
"coord": {"lon": 2.159, "lat": 41.3888},
"weather": [
"id": 803,
"main": "Clouds",
"description": "broken clouds",
"icon": "04d"
"base": "stations",
"main": {
"temp": 291.21,
"feels_like": 291.11,
"temp_min": 289.53,
"temp_max": 293.62,
"pressure": 1016,
"humidity": 78
"visibility": 10000,
"wind": {"speed": 0.45, "deg": 212, "gust": 1.79},
"clouds": {"all": 75},
"dt": 1633360018,
"sys": {
"type": 2,
"id": 18549,
"country": "ES",
"sunrise": 1633326668,
"sunset": 1633368526
"timezone": 7200,
"id": 3128760,
"name": "Barcelona",
"cod": 200
// It prints: `String`
resultDeep = JSON.parse(jsonWeather);

// Extract data for each item of the array.
final List<dynamic> listJsonWeather = resultDeep['weather'].value;
List<WeatherEntity> listWeathers = [];
for (dynamic jsonWeather in listJsonWeather) {
id: jsonWeather['id'].toString(),
title: jsonWeather['main'] as String,
overview: jsonWeather['description'] as String,
image: '<url>/${jsonWeather['icon']}',

The console prints the next outcome:



You can use Postman to fetch API data from services. A very useful tool, trust me!

Sample Image

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