Open an Exe File Through a Link in a HTML File

Open an exe file through a link in a HTML file?

You can not start/execute an .exe file that resides locally on the users machine or through a site. The user must first download the exe file and then run the executable.

Execute exe-file from html-page?

It's simply not possible. If it was, it would be considered a security flaw and fixed. On Firefox within hours, on IE within some months.

UPDATE: You could try registering your custom protocol:

But I believe the browser will still prompt you whether you want to run the app.

How to make HTML download link for .exe file?

Try this, it worked on my website for a PDF file. I'm not sure why it shouldn't with any other file extension.

<form method="get" action="test.exe">
<button type="submit">Download</button>

Note that "test.exe" needs to be in the same directory as your page.html or the path needs to be defined i.e. "downloads/test.exe".

How to run an exe in html using javascript from a url or local file

There is no standard way of running executables. You can only execute .exe in IE through ActiveX. Doing it in IE

Javascript to execute the .exe when the webpage loads -

window.onload = function(){
if (!document.all) {
alert ("Available only with Internet Explorer.");
var ws = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
ws.Exec("C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Photoshop 6.0\\Photoshp.exe");

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