No Line-Break After a Hyphen

No line-break after a hyphen

Try using the non-breaking hyphen . I've replaced the dash with that character in your jsfiddle, shrunk the frame down as small as it can go, and the line doesn't split there any more.

HTML no line break at hyphens

Use the non-breaking hyphen:

How to prevent line break at hyphens in all browsers

I’m afraid there’s no simpler way to do it reliably than splitting the text to “words” (sequences of non-whitespace characters separated by whitespace) and wrapping each “word” that contains a hyphen inside nobr markup. So input data like bla bla foo-bar bla bla would be turned to bla bla <nobr>foo-bar</nobr> bla bla.

You might even consider inserting nobr markup whenever the “word” contains anything but letters and digits. The reason is that some browsers may even break strings like “2/3” or “f(0)” (see my page on oddities of line breaking in browsers).

Avoid line-breaks after hyphen in R Shiny

You can disable the wrapping by using the class nowrap:

class = "display nowrap",
extensions = c('Buttons','Scroller'),

Is it possible to prevent linebreaks between hyphenated words in CSS?

Did you try using "non-breaking hyphen"? No CSS needed. It's a normal html entity.

Try this

This is an example