How to Create an HTML Table With a Fixed/Frozen Left Column and a Scrollable Body

How do I create an HTML table with a fixed/frozen left column and a scrollable body?

If you want a table where only the columns scroll horizontally, you can position: absolute the first column (and specify its width explicitly), and then wrap the entire table in an overflow-x: scroll block. Don't bother trying this in IE7, however...

Relevant HTML & CSS:

table {
border-collapse: separate;
border-spacing: 0;
border-top: 1px solid grey;

th {
margin: 0;
border: 1px solid grey;
white-space: nowrap;
border-top-width: 0px;

div {
width: 500px;
overflow-x: scroll;
margin-left: 5em;
overflow-y: visible;
padding: 0;

.headcol {
position: absolute;
width: 5em;
left: 0;
top: auto;
border-top-width: 1px;
/*only relevant for first row*/
margin-top: -1px;
/*compensate for top border*/

.headcol:before {
content: 'Row ';

.long {
background: yellow;
letter-spacing: 1em;
<th class="headcol">1</th>
<th class="headcol">2</th>
<th class="headcol">3</th>
<th class="headcol">4</th>
<th class="headcol">5</th>
<th class="headcol">6</th>

Table fixed header and scrollable body

Here is the working solution:

table {    width: 100%;}
thead, tbody, tr, td, th { display: block; }
tr:after { content: ' '; display: block; visibility: hidden; clear: both;}
thead th { height: 30px;
/*text-align: left;*/}
tbody { height: 120px; overflow-y: auto;}
thead { /* fallback */}

tbody td, thead th { width: 19.2%; float: left;}
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th>Make</th> <th>Model</th> <th>Color</th> <th>Year</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="filterable-cell">Ford</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Escort</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Blue</td> <td class="filterable-cell">2000</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="filterable-cell">Ford</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Escort</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Blue</td> <td class="filterable-cell">2000</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="filterable-cell">Ford</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Escort</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Blue</td> <td class="filterable-cell">2000</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="filterable-cell">Ford</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Escort</td> <td class="filterable-cell">Blue</td> <td class="filterable-cell">2000</td> </tr> </tbody></table>

Fixed/frozen left column in table...but when table is wrapped

Okay so you could do the following:
Replace left:0 in .headcol with transform: translatex(-5em); and then add float:left; to #second.

HTML Table first column fixed while scrolling horizontal

It will take some tweaking, but I've successfully done a "sticky column" by using position: sticky on the table cells you'd like to stay in place:

#customers td:nth-child(1),
#customers th:nth-child(1) {
position: sticky;
left: 0;

This lets things horizontally scroll underneath the first column.

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