CSS Make Div Position Fixed Inside Div with Perspective Propertie

CSS make DIV position fixed inside DIV with PERSPECTIVE propertie

Since you can't have the fixed inside, Why does perspective changes fixed position in CSS?, I suggest you add an extra wrapper for your javascript overlay function.

Since you can't have the fixed inside, Why does perspective changes fixed position in CSS?, just place them outside your container (as in below sample), as I can't see the point adding a second wrapper because the fixed div is relative to the window anyway.

#container { width:100%; height:100%; perspective:300px;  perspective-origin:50% 50%;  overflow-y:scroll;}
.parallaxBase { width:100%; position:absolute; top:200px; left:50%; transform:translateZ(0); transform:translateX(-50%);
.parallaxBack { height:100vh; transform:translateZ(-300px) scale(2);
#background {background:red; height:200px; padding-top:100px; }#content {background:yellow; }#fixed {background:green; width:100%; height:40px; position:fixed; z-index:1; top: 0; left: 0; }
#overlay {width:200px; height:200px; background:purple;position:fixed; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%, -50%); }
<div id="fixed">this is fixed // why not fixed?</div><div id="container">  <div class="parallaxBack">    <div id="background"> this is parallax</div>  </div>  <div class="parallaxBase">    <div id="content">      this is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is content      this is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is contentthis is content    </div>  </div></div><div id="overlay">  this is overlay</div>

What happens when nesting elements with position: fixed inside each other?

The fixing and the positioning are two separate things. They're positioned the same as absolutely positioned elements: relative to their containing block. But in contrast with absolutely positioned elements, they remain fixed to that position with respect to the viewport (i.e. they don't move when scrolling):


The box's position is calculated according to the 'absolute' model, but in addition, the box is fixed with respect to some reference.


The definition of containing block says:

If the element has 'position: fixed', the containing block is established by the viewport in the case of continuous media (...)


If the element has 'position: absolute', the containing block is established by the nearest ancestor with a 'position' of 'absolute', 'relative' or 'fixed' (...)

which suggests that while their positioning algorithm is the same (they're both positioned relative to their containing block), the containing block for fixed elements is always the viewport, in contrast with absolutely positioned elements, so they should be positioned relative to that and not to any absolutely or fixed-positioned elements.

And as a matter of fact, that is indeed the case. For example, if you add top: 20px to .fixed, both divs will be positioned 20 pixels from the top of the viewport. The nested fixed div does not get positioned 20 pixels down from the top of its parent.

The reason you're not seeing that in this case is because you're not actually setting any of the left/top/right/bottom properties, so their positions are determined by the position they would have in the flow (their "static position"), which as my first quote said, is done according to the absolute model.

Fixed position but relative to container

Short answer: no. (It is now possible with CSS transform. See the edit below)

Long answer: The problem with using "fixed" positioning is that it takes the element out of flow. thus it can't be re-positioned relative to its parent because it's as if it didn't have one. If, however, the container is of a fixed, known width, you can use something like:

#fixedContainer {
position: fixed;
width: 600px;
height: 200px;
left: 50%;
top: 0%;
margin-left: -300px; /*half the width*/


Edit (03/2015):

This is outdated information. It is now possible to center content of an dynamic size (horizontally and vertically) with the help of the magic of CSS3 transform. The same principle applies, but instead of using margin to offset your container, you can use translateX(-50%). This doesn't work with the above margin trick because you don't know how much to offset it unless the width is fixed and you can't use relative values (like 50%) because it will be relative to the parent and not the element it's applied to. transform behaves differently. Its values are relative to the element they are applied to. Thus, 50% for transform means half the width of the element, while 50% for margin is half of the parent's width. This is an IE9+ solution

Using similar code to the above example, I recreated the same scenario using completely dynamic width and height:

.fixedContainer {
position: fixed;
padding: 2em;
left: 50%;
top: 0%;
transform: translateX(-50%);

If you want it to be centered, you can do that too:

.fixedContainer {
position: fixed;
padding: 2em;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);


jsFiddle: Centered horizontally only

jsFiddle: Centered both horizontally and vertically

Original credit goes to user aaronk6 for pointing it out to me in this answer

Element with position fixed is not sticking to parent element that has its position set to relative

position:fixed is not relative to parent element, even if it has a position:relative set. It's relative to the viewport. Here is what MDN says about it:

The element is removed from the normal document flow, and no space is created for the element in the page layout. It is positioned relative to the initial containing block established by the viewport, except when one of its ancestors has a transform, perspective, or filter property set to something other than none (see the CSS Transforms Spec), in which case that ancestor behaves as the containing block. (Note that there are browser inconsistencies with perspective and filter contributing to containing block formation.) Its final position is determined by the values of top, right, bottom, and left.

You would wanna use position:absolute instead if you want to position relative to parent element.

Bootstrap: Element with position fixed inside modal not aligned with respect to the viewport

This is because CSS transform propery is applied on Bootstrap's .modal-dialog element. As per the documentation https://www.w3.org/TR/css-transforms-1/#transform-rendering

Specifying a value other than none for the transform property
establishes a new local coordinate system at the element that it is
applied to. The mapping from where the element would have rendered
into that local coordinate system is given by the element’s
transformation matrix. Transformations are cumulative. That is,
elements establish their local coordinate system within the coordinate
system of their parent. From the perspective of the user, an element
effectively accumulates all the transform properties of its ancestors
as well as any local transform applied to it. The accumulation of
these transforms defines a current transformation matrix for the

In other words, the containing block for a fixed-position descendant of a transformed element is the transformed element, not the viewport.


Here, if you want .box element to align with respect to the viewport, try placing the element outside the .modal-dialog element.


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