Apply CSS Style on All Elements Except with a Specific Id

Apply CSS Style on all elements except with a SPECIFIC ID

Use the :not selector:




<div id="bar">bar</div>

How do I apply css to all elements except when first child is of certain id

If you were to use jQuery you could access the element like this:

$('.content-body > :not(#container-special)').parent().css("max-width", "1050px")

Or for normal JS you could set the CSS:

.content-body {
max-width: 1050px;

And then remove it from the element that contains the element with that ID:

var cs = document.getElementById('container-special')
var parent = cs.parentElement

if (parent.className == 'content-body') { = "initial"

Apply css to all element except one who has specific parent

Try this code

div:not(.sidebar) li {

border: 1px solid red;


// Here i have used div, but you can use whatever tag you have used for sidebar
<body class="page">

<div class="sidebar">

<ul class="group">






<div class="page-section">

<ul class="group">







Apply CSS for all buttons except a specific ID


by @underscore_d

Apply style to all divs except one specific

Just apply the rule to all divs first:

#toolbar div {
float: left;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin: 2px 12px 2px 12px;

Then you need to zero the values out for the specific case:

#toolbar div.olControlNavigationHistor {
float: none;
background-repeat: repeat;
margin: 0;

Of course this assumes that the property values that specific div would have had without the first rule applied are each properties defaults (such as margin: 0 and float: none.)

However in the future when CSS3 is supported everywere, you could also just rewrite your original rule as #toolbar div:not(.olControlNavigationHistory) and it would work correctly and elegantly.

CSS: styling ALL elements on a page EXCEPT the children of a specific elements?

You’re close. :not() doesn't work as well as you'd expect with ID selectors, despite the relevant standards.

This doesn't work:

*:not(#keep-original) * {
color: var(--colour-1);

But this does:

div:not(#keep-original) * {
color: var(--colour-1);

For some reason, you have to prefix :not() with something more specific than *.

I suggest you use a class instead (which is always a good idea anyway):

<div class='keep-original'>

and then this will work:

*:not(.keep-original) * {
color: var(--colour-1);

Apply an effect on each element in html tag except one element (ID/class)

OK, so following up on the edits and looking into the related post there is a lot to unpack here. Between your original closed question and this new one with the edits, I see one (maybe two?) problems you are trying to solve:

  1. When you apply the filters, in Firefox the buttons lose their position.
  2. You would (maybe?) like the buttons to not be affected by the filter.

I've created a slightly modified snippets that works with your code and address both issues:

For the issue of button placement:

function change()



html {

height: 100%; /* Fixes the buttons losing position in firefox */


.new-theme {

filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg);

-webkit-filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg);

-moz-filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg);

-o-filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg);

-ms-filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg);


#fixedbutton {

position: fixed;

bottom: 20px;

right: 20px;





#anotherfixedbutton {



left: 20px





<h1> Some text </h1>

<button id="fixedbutton" onclick="change()">CLICKME</button>

<button id="anotherfixedbutton">please let me sleep me here firefox</button>



How can I select all elements with a class except one that has an ancestor with an id that matches a pattern?

I would add one rule that targets all the .ps-label then another that targets your exception




/* exception rule*/

#win5divG4FORM_WRK_G4FORM_IDlbl .ps-label {color:blue;}
<div class="ps_box-edit psc_disabled psc_has_value g3form-hdr-formid" id="win5divG3FORM_WRK_G3FORM_ID">

<div class="ps_box-label" id="win5divG3FORM_WRK_G3FORM_IDlbl">

<span class="ps-label">Form ID</span>


<span class="ps_box-value" aria-disabled="true" id="G3FORM_WRK_G3FORM_ID">415</span>

<div class="ps_box-label" id="win5divG4FORM_WRK_G4FORM_IDlbl">

<span class="ps-label">Form ID</span>


<span class="ps_box-value" aria-disabled="true" id="G4FORM_WRK_G4FORM_ID">416</span>

<div class="ps_box-label" id="win5divG5FORM_WRK_G5FORM_IDlbl">

<span class="ps-label">Form ID</span>


<span class="ps_box-value" aria-disabled="true" id="G5FORM_WRK_G5FORM_ID">417</span>


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